One of my friends had a couple of projects he wanted to work on and since I’m a helpful sort, I offered my assistance.
The first was a basement shower drain that needed to be snaked. There was a separate drain opening we could use to work our way back, but the obstruction we kept hitting felt too solid to be a clog. And even the narrow end of the snake wouldn’t go down the holes in the main drain. Upon closer examination I noticed that there appeared to be a seam around the edge of the drain, but that it wouldn’t budge with a screwdriver at all.
“Do you have a sledge hammer?” I asked and his eyes widened.
“Don’t worry,” I told him, “I’ll be careful,”
He dutifully went to get a hammer and I proceeded to tap around the edges of the drain near that seam.
“I don’t think…” he started and I interupted with, “It’s working,”
I set the hammer down, inserted a screwdriver into the holes of the drain, and easily lifted it clear. I let out a Woop! of triumph and did a short “victory dance” that would have made Snoopy proud.
What we thought was the drain was actually a cover. It had rusted into place over the actual drain and the holes we thought were for water were really for lifting it out of place. The rust had sealed it shut and it had never worked since he had first moved in.
I did another victory dance while he went for the shop-vac and cleaned up the drain. The snake easily went through un-impeded as did the test buckets of water. He’s still got some work to do before it’s usable, but this was a major step forward and will be a huge time saver for him later on.
Still riding high on my hammer victory, we tackled the next project – an elliptical.
I lost a little ground at Step 2 – we had the dang thing oriented wrong – but we surged on ahead and made good progress. Until we reached a step where we had to grease the axles and push them into the fittings. They wouldn’t budge – at all.
Frustrated, I turned to him and said, “We need the hammer again,”
I got a nod back and went to get the hammer from the other room where we’d left it by the basement shower.
Hammer in hand and feeling even more like Thor, I tapped the axle into place with ease. The other fell to my hammer as well and we were on our way.
It was starting to get late, but we were close enough that I wanted to get it finished. We had a minor setback at the end – a missed step – but managed to wrap things up and get it turned on for a test by 11:00.
It was a later night for me than usual, but I’m glad I was able to help. And I doubt Thor could have handled that hammer any better. Not usually a fan of brute force to solve problems, but it worked pretty well for me last night with two projects. Next time a webpage starts acting up, I know just the tool to reach for.
Or maybe not.