tanked, shacked, compounded

The crew came by to my house yesterday morning and installed a new water heater.  I provided bottled water and then stayed out of their way while they worked – they appreciated both gestures, as well as the fan I had running.  Took a couple hours and more money than I would have liked to spend, but the end result is a new hot water tank that should be more efficient and safer than the old one.  The water that was on the basement floor is gone and I’ve got the dehumidifier running again.

In other news… as expected, I started getting spam from Radio Shack even before my cell phone battery had arrived.  The first was thanking me for signing up for their… I frankly can’t remember what they called it.  Some kind of membership thing.  The second was coupons for things I don’t want.

So, I found their customer service site, tracked down a form, and submitted my compliant.  I got an automated response telling me my message had be submitted, then a couple hours later I got a message – presumably from a human, but that can be tough to tell – informing me that they had shared my concern with the relevant groups, blah blah blah.  Meaningless.   I unsubcribed myself from the list and if that doesn’t work, I’ll filter them in gmail.   I mean, nobody likes to get spam – why would a legitimate business spam their customers like that?

For dinner last evening, I went to the Hartville Kitchen.  Which is not just a restaurant – it’s more like a themed compound. In addition to the gigantic seating area in the restaurant, they also have a gift shop, a gallery, a candy shop, a bakery, and an entire separate building that’s like a lowe’s+mendards+tractor supply.   The food was okay, the service was reasonable – though slightly unfriendly, and I didn’t get struck my lightning when I walked into the Thomas Kincade gallery.  I don’t know that I would go back again with all the other restaurant options in the area, but it was a nice change of pace.


I checked the mail this afternoon when I got home and saw that I had an envelope from Jeff’s sister.  I opened it and saw that she had sent a copy of his death certificate to me – which we’d discussed and which I’d been expecting.   I read through it and there were no surprises – the official cause of his death was what I’d expected based on what the medical examiner and the detective had told me the day that we found him.

What I wasn’t expecting is how hard it would hit me.  As I read those dry and sterile words on the paper, I got overwhelmed.  It was like I’d been physically struck.  I sank to the floor of my living room and wept uncontrollable for a few minutes.

And then, by slow degrees, I got myself back under a semblance of control and stood back up to get a tissue to wipe my eyes.   After all, there were things to do and places to go and if I’m nothing else, I’m a do-er.

Next will be a round of paperwork with debts to be settled and decisions to be made.  Jeff had left me some money and my plan is to hold back what he had borrowed from me, then give the rest to his family.  I suppose I’ll be able to put that towards a car since mine is in such bad shape and we’ll all begin a new round of trying to move on.

His family will soon be going to Myrtle beach to spread part of his ashes off the pier at the beach he so loved.    And I think some time this summer I’ll make a trip to Jeff’s hometown to visit the grave where the rest of his ashes have been put to rest.

Just a simple piece of paper.  A summary of a person’s death and the last few moments of their life.   I know that I’ll need to read this again as I make my phone calls and sort out some paperwork, but I think for tonight I’ll put it away and try and get some rest.

water, water, everywhere

On Saturday, I was out much of the morning running errands and essentially just enjoying the day.  I got home around the middle of the day and thought I would start some laundry before going to a party later in the afternoon.  I headed downstairs and noticed that it was rather warm and humid – unusual for my basement.  Or basements in general, I guess.  Anyway, it only took me a moment to identify the problem.

The hot water tank was leaking.

Though ‘leaking’ is actually a mild term for what it was doing.  The water was actually geysering out of the top of the tank like a little fountain, then running down the side of the tank and across the floor. I started shutting things off and closing valves – then had a friend come over to help me assess the situation and verify that my house wasn’t going to explode.

With everything as secure as it could be and no damage in the basement – other than the water tank itself – I headed to the party. Only to find that I had the day wrong and it was actually on Sunday.

That night, I took a very very quick and very very cold shower – grateful that this had happened in the summer when I could at least recover from the cold quickly.

Sunday was spent with friends and then later some downtime with video games.  As the evening wore on, I decided to run some bathwater and let it warm up to room tempeture.  Which is a fine idea except that the stopper in my tub isn’t very good and by the time I was ready for my bath, the water had all drained out.

So, I sort of squatted down in a shallow tub of very cold water and had a very quick bath.  I’m not usually one to take a long time getting cleaned up, but this may have been a new record.

Today, I was up early and started draining the tank the rest of the way  – then went on into work and called a HVAC company to come out and look at it.  They were able to come by this afternoon and I was able to meet them at the house and show them what was going on.  As expected, the tank is a loss, but then were able to schedule a new tank and install for tomorrow morning.  One more cold bath and I’ll be back to normal – though I am getting a little tired of all the sudden expenses.  First the car, now the water heater.  I can swing it, but it’s making me crankier than usual.

the shack, brutality

My cell phone battery has been giving me some problems, so I went to radio shack to get a replacement.  I walked in, waited until the clerks stopped talking to each other and acknowledged that I existed, then produced the battery and said  I needed a replacement for my cell phone.   The clerk took the battery as he walked back to the counter and asked what company I was with.  I didn’t understand why that mattered, but I answered him and he replied:

“Before we get you going with a battery, how about we check to see we can get you out of your contract and get you a new phone?”

Well, I give him props for the epic amount of “up-selling” he tried to do, but I raised an eyebrow at him for the attempt and said I just wanted the battery.

Turns out they don’t have it in stock, but they can order it for me – and ship it to my house. I proceed to give him my address and then the phone number – though I told him that it wouldn’t do much good until I had a new battery.

He didn’t get it.

He then asked for my email and I politely told him I would rather not give that out.  He insisted it was for the order confirmation – though I’m pretty sure the receipt he was going to print out would do that job.  I gave him the address and made a silent vow that the first bit of spam I got from them would result in a scathing response.

The battery should be here in a few days, but of course my current battery charged up normally and my phone is fine.

In other brutal news, I had a dentist appointment this morning.  I was once again amazed at the low level of technology they use.  Metal picks, string, grit, water pressure?   Where are the fricking lasers?  Ultrasonics?    My teeth and jaw didn’t hurt beforehand, but they sure did afterward  – and still do this afternoon.    Oh, and I don’t floss enough.

So, short day at work and looking forward to the weekend.  I plan on some serious relaxing – starting right after my swim this afternoon.

my debit card weeps, sushi

So, my car got worked on yesterday and for a car that seemed to generally be running okay, it had a lot wrong with it.  The mechanic cheerfully broke it down for me.

1. Brakes – in terrible, terrible shape.  Pretty much everything that could be wrong with them, was.

2. Exhaust – holes in the pipes, things falling off.

3. Air filter needs replaced.

4. The service light indicated a problem with the daytime running lights – and I had a headlight out as well.

5. Several other things were wrong as well, but by this point I was too numb to pay attention.  Oh, something about rear tires.

Grand total – had I decided to get everything fixed – $2,100

And that’s the point where – if my knees hadn’t thankfully chosen to lock – I would have fallen to the floor.

I recovered and the mechanic and I talked through the repairs into two categories:  Danger to myself and others vs. Annoying.

So, I go the brakes repaired and that was “only”  $770.    I had expected “stop on a dime” kind of results, but they are just “ok”.  Grumble.

I really like my car but I can’t keep throwing money at it.  It’s got 125,000 + miles on it, guess it’s time for me to start looking for a new ride.

In funner news… I went out to dinner with some friends and got some really excellent sushi.   Also had a little seaweed salad and some sticky rice with mango for dessert.  Sort of made up for the car repair bill.

natural history, cheese, fun, hike, service

I went to the Cleveland Museum of Natural history on Saturday.  First time I’ve gone – it was really cool.  They had some art by an autistic man that lived in the area as part of their Mystical Creatures exhibit and then the rest of the museum was the regular – and amazing – collection of history.  The dinosaurs were neat, the rocks were shiny, and the weight of millions of years was palpable.  Really amazing stuff.

For dinner – Melt.  A grill cheese place in Cleveland.  I got “the dude abides” – and got more than my weekly quota of cheese.  It was okay – too many onions for my taste (and by too many, I mean “any”) – but the fries and the atmosphere were good.  I don’t think I have enough tattoos to have gotten employment there, but it was fun.

After dinner, Big Fun – a toy and game shop.  Pretty much ripe with nostalgia – I could have spent a lot of money in there, but luckily my action figure obsession has died off as I’ve gotten older.  I did get a crystal tree that grows when you add dangerous chemicals to a cardboard tree shape – so, that was cool.

On Sunday – went for a 5 mile hike in the Metro Parks.  It was a great day for it and the trails had a few people – but not crowded by any means.  The ongoing cold/allergy hit me pretty hard a few times, but I trudged on and enjoyed the trip.  The waterfalls were neat a usual and except for the distant sound of traffic you could almost forget you’re in the middle of a city.

Today, as I was pulling out of my drive, I heard a rapid ticking sound – like,  ticktickticktick –  and then my Service light came on.  Now, I’m familiar with the Check Engine light – we are old friends and it’s been with me through car repairs and e-checks alike – but Service is new and worrisome.  So, I drove extra carefully (whatever that means) to work and made an appointment to have all my money taken away from me.   I mean, to have my car worked on.  They cautioned me that if they need to do a diagnostic (i.e. hook up my car to a computer and have the computer tell them what’s wrong) they would have to charge me $89.   Great.

I stopped off at home after work and changed clothes, then drove to the service place and dropped off my car.  It’s only 2.4 miles away, so I just walked home.  I made arrangements to get a ride to work tomorrow and we’ll see how it goes.  For the record, I need the Service light diagnosed, the brakes glared at, and exhaust quieted.

Wish me, and my bank account, good luck.  What’s that smell?  Oh, right.  Monday.

gutters, poop, sneeze

I volunteered to help my friend clear out his gutters and yesterday was the perfect weather for it.    I stopped over after my swim and with ladders, gloves, and a bucket  – we set to work.  He has a small house so it didn’t take too long and we cleared maybe a bucket and a half of debris – including the dirt and leaves that was blocked the downspouts.

Once that was done, he decided that since we had the ladders out, we might as well cut down one of the tree limbs.  I was a little hesitant about this, but helped out as best I could.  But as the limb came down, I couldn’t get out of the way quite quickly enough and got tagged on my leg by the rough edge of the branch. It was very minor and the scratches barely bled, but my friend decided that was enough and we got the yard – and me –  cleaned up.

This is the same friend with the dogs and he has frequently commented about how he’s tired of dog poop.  So, as a joke, I used some brown polymer clay to make very small piles of fake poop and while he was putting away the tools, I snuck into his office and placed them in the small zen sand garden on his desk.

He found them not long after that and I think he was about 50% amused and 50% annoyed. 🙂  I thought it was pretty clever.

I’ve been fighting… something… for a couple of weeks now.  Don’t know if it’s a cold or allergies, but I had several sneezing attacks yesterday that almost knocked me over.  Really annoying.  If it keeps up, I’m headed to the doctor.

It’s been a short number of days, but it still feels like a long week.  I’m hoping today stays quiet and I can coast on through to the weekend.

busy weekend

I had a busy memorial day weekend.   On Saturday, my parents came up for a visit and we checked out my yardwork and went for 2.5 mile hike.  Dad suggested we go to the Akron Zoo so we did that for about an hour and half.    They didn’t stay long, but it was a nice visit.   After they left, I went over to a friend’s house for a bit.  They were having a cook-out, but since I had already eaten I skipped ahead to the dessert.    Which worked out pretty well since I had also already had dessert.

On Sunday, I headed up to half-priced books and then went around town to garden centers with another friend.  I didn’t buy anything and ended up getting sick.  Not sure if it was allergies, a cold, the heat, something I ate, or all of the above, but I was not doing well.  I got home, stripped down to my boxers, and crashed on the floor directly under the ceiling fan until I felt better.

On Monday, I went to a pool party.  Pretty cool crowd and a nice pool.  It was nice to be underwater and not being focused on doing laps.  Plus, the kids that were there thought I was great since I easily functioned as a jungle gym and I didn’t mind being shoved underwater – or stepped on.    It started to thunder so we all headed in and I got out some paper.  Felt a little like the Pied Piper – the kids were entranced and several people remarked that this was the most focused they had ever seen them.  I was a little relieved when it was time to go – as fun as it was, my hands got tired.

Tuesday and back to work.  Busy day, crazy meetings – and when I finally got in my car, it wouldn’t start.  I had left my lights on.  I bemoaned my fate for a moment – then went back in the office.  As luck would have it, my boss was still there and was getting ready to leave.  He drove over to my car and we got it jumped.  Once it was going, I decided to drive around to charge the battery and made my way to a McDonalds and the drive through.  On my way home, the sky opened up into a downpour and as I’m driving along I’m wondering just how much water I’m going to have in my house from the open windows on the second floor.  The rain let up as I pulled in my drive and I found that there was no water in my house at all – the wind must have been in my favor.

I got up early this morning and had an almost leisurely start to my day.  Nice, but I doubt I can do that again with any certainty or regularity.    So, back into work mode for a short week.


I had a little wiring project to do over the weekend – had a broken electrical outlet to replace.  It had been broken before I moved in, but I don’t use that room on the third floor a lot and there wasn’t a rush.

I had a new outlet and cover and a plan.  I plugged my radio into the unbroken outlet, turned it on, and aimed it down the vent.  While in the basement I listened for the music and when it stopped, I would know that I had the right breaker.

Which is quite clever – only had two set-backs.

1. 80% of the breakers were labeled “General Purpose”.  Really, who does that?  Just leaving them blank would have been better – I could have written them in myself once I figured them out.  I had to re-diagram the chart and make several random guesses before I finally found the right one.  The music went quiet and I headed upstairs.

2. The old outlet fell apart in my hands – good that I was replacing it – and I checked the new one to see where the wires would go.  One side had two arrows pointing to two holes – one labeled white and the other black.  It wasn’t the same configuration as the old one had, but I figured that this new one was set up different.  I put the white one in the white hole, the black in the black, and put the outlet back in place and put on the cover.  Back to the basement and flipped the breaker back on  – and it instantly tripped itself.

Swearing, I headed back up to the third floor to investigate.    Turns out I had misread the back of the outlet.  That one side was only for white wires – not Black, but Blanco.

[Insert head-shaking here]

Even with my Sesame Street grasp of Spanish, I should have caught that.  But the lighting wasn’t good and it was cramped work-space.  That’s my story, anyway.

I struggled to get the black wire loose and moved it to the correct position – then plugged the radio in again.  Back to the basement and threw the switch to success and music.  Then back off and back to the 3rd floor to put the outlet back in place and add the cover.  Then back down again to turn it back on – then back up for the clean up.

I got a good workout, replaced the outlet, and tried out some new swear-word combinations.  My minor house projects continue – next up, the ceiling fan on my back porch.

yappy hour

My neighbor with the dogs invited me to head north yesterday evening to Yappy Hour – an event to benefit the Berea ARF (animal rescue fund) [or the BARF as I referred to it mentally].   Actually, that was  prophetic – a couple of the more excited dogs did barf as the event went on.

We were both a little underwhelmed by the event – I think we were expecting more of a street fair and it was just a couple of tents and shops – but it was fun and I think his dogs enjoyed it.   I was in charge of one of them and she wanted to explore every inch of the universe and sniff every butt everywhere.  I kept  her on a tight leash to keep  her out of trouble and for a small dog, that was a lot of work.

The food was sushi and pizza.  The women handing out the sushi – and seaweed salad, which was excellent – saw me pick up a flyer and gave me a $10 off gift card.    The pizza was good too – prompting us to pick up one on the way out of town.

It was nice to get off the beaten path and hang out with some cool people and cool animals – though I think I could have done without the politician that did her little song and dance about the neighborhood and politics.

Being among all the happy pet owners made me think again about getting a pet – right up until we got out of the car and my friend’s dog threw up on the seat.  I took the pizza in and he got the cleaning supplies.

Maybe I need a simpler animal.  Cat, guinea pig… or maybe a fish.

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