
My new baby niece was born yesterday – 7lbs, 14oz, 20.5 inches.   She’s got a full head of hair and my sister reports that the newest member of the family is eating well and pooping well.  And since that’s all a baby really has to do, she’s doing a job well done.

I asked my mom if she was “super duper excited” or “super duper awesome excited”.  She said she was Super Duper Awesome Excited.  🙂

My first niece is doing well too – she’s pretty excited about her new baby sister and I know she’ll do a great job with her.

I’m looking forward to making the trip to visit them this coming weekend – it will be great to see everyone and to meet the little one.


I was driving to work yesterday and it’s pretty much a straight shot directly to campus on one road with many side streets and a few traffic lights.    I noticed a police car with the sirens going as he came towards me.  I slowed and prepared to stop – the police car turned down one of the side streets.  Then I noticed that another police car was right behind them and turned down the same street – sirens blaring.

Then I noticed lights in my rearview mirror and saw another police car behind me.  I stayed slowed down expecting him to pass me – then he also turned down a side street, though not the same one as the others.

Next, two more police cars ahead of me turning down side streets.

Then I heard a series of loud popping noises.

Then another police car  – this one racing directly across my path, headed in the same general direction as the others.  As I got a little closer to campus, a police van with sirens going roared past me.

I checked the newspaper online today and got the full story.  Turns out it was a low speed chase and the suspect stopped the car, tried to run, pulled a gun and was shot by police officers.   Tragic, scary, and a little too close to home. The owner of the property said that the neighborhood is normally very quite and peaceful  – so, I guess that’s something.  Still…

Full story from the Akron Beacon Journal

kids are fun

I got a text message from my sister yesterday.  This started to load as a picture message and since my sister is very pregnant, my first thought was that she had gone into labor and had the baby before she had a chance to contact me to say it was happening.   The picture wouldn’t load, so I excitedly read the text.  She said that my 2.5 year old niece “had gone poopy on the potty” and was very happy about that.  I was then less looking forward to an image and glad that nothing loaded.  I called my sister and got the scoop.  Nope, she hadn’t gone into labor and no, there wasn’t a photo of poop – though my niece was very proud of herself.   My sister and I had a good laugh and I’m looking forward to the “gone into labor” call or text soon.

I got asked to help baby-sit a three year last evening.  My friend and I ganged up the little dude and managed to keep this very hyper kid entertained/ occupied while his parents were out to dinner.

We had pizza shortly after his folks left and we all helped clear the table.  Next up, building a lego fire truck that I had brought for him.  At one point the directions called for flipping the lego pieces over and I joked that maybe he should be the one to be flipped over.  He laughed out loud at my silly suggestion and protested, “No, I’m not a fire truck, I’m a boy!”

After the fire truck was put together we worked on a lego helicopter that he had – and he called a hopper-copter – then there were a series of helicopter, fire truck and robot related adventures in the living room.

For the record, the blue robot got named after him.  The pinkish-purple girl robot in a skirt got named after me.  My friend, who provided the robots to begin with, escaped any robot naming shame.

Next up was a trip to my friend’s house to hang out with his dogs.  There was a lot of jumping and running around, but everyone escaped unharmed.  Back to the kids house so he could change into his pajamas and then he and I played lego Star Wars for a bit before it was time for stories and bed.  His parents came home just before he went to sleep and we de-briefed them before we left.   Lots of fun, but wow, I was exhausted when we were done.

As always, I remain impressed and respectful of the great job my sister and brother-in-law are doing with my niece.  I watched this one kid – with help -for three hours and was ready to drop.  I dunno how they do, but I’m impressed.

tools and tags

I was driving recently and noted that the truck in front of me had a license plate that read:


Which I would translate as “you are a tool”

Really?  What kind of a person must this be to broadcast that kind of attitude 24/7?  And to go to the trouble of a personalized plate.  And the arrogance  – I’m guessing – that they themselves are the only non-tool in a sea of tools.  I wonder how much road rage they have generated?  I wasn’t enraged myself, but a little offended once I had translated the letters.

In other news… I helped one of my neighbors get tags for his dogs.  He was a little delayed in getting the license for them and I went with him to get the actual tags for their collars.   We went into Pet Supplies Plus and right over to the tag kiosk where a woman was standing in front of the machine  – chatting with two other women.  We waited patiently and I noticed that there was a screen saver running on the machine.   I gave her about 30 seconds, then approached.

“Excuse me,” I said, “Are you using this machine?”

“Yes,” she lied, “And you need a code to use it,”

So, we went over to the cash register and my friend bought the tags for the dogs.  We went back over to the machine where the woman was now finished with her conversation and was just getting started on the machine.  We waited while she took two phone calls (to determine what address to put on the tags) as she keyed in the information.  Suddenly she stopped and turned to us with a panicked look on her face.

“I need help,” she said, “Which lettering should I use?”

Now, let’s pause for a moment and reflect.

  1. Font choice is not something to panic over.
  2. As a web developer, I’m actually qualified to help in this regard, but she didn’t know that.
  3. It really didn’t freaking matter what font she picked.  She named the dog Goober. The sooner the text on the tag wears off and the dog escapes – the better for the dog.

I picked the font on the far right because it was more readable and she moved on.  While the tag was being printed, she proceeded to strike up a conversation with us.  In the span of maybe 2 minutes she decided to tell us:

  1. She had dumped her boyfriend and bought a $950 whippet.
  2. She could have picked up the dog before now, but had been deployed and didn’t want the dog to have to stay at her mom’s
  3. She would be picking up the dog on August 20th.

Before she left, she pointed out the code on the receipt – though this was a explained on the screen for us later – and proceeded on her merry, if slightly insane, way.

We got the tags done in record time and were out the door in less time than it took to finish her conversation while she was blocking using the machine.

What have we learned from all of this?

That license plate was meant for her.

food & friends, headache,box, car

On Friday night, I had dinner with some friends and neighbors.  We had pizza, chicken, and jo-jos.  And let me tell you, those were some dang good jo-jos.  I kept their little boy entertained with my video game prowess and we had a nice time just hanging out.  The little guy is on some allergy medicine that makes him very hyper as a side effect.  I felt bad for him – he was so excited about everything, but had just trouble staying focused.  And his mom was suffering some wear-and-tear as well – must be exhausting to try and keep up with him.   We finished up the evening with some gelato and called it a night.

Saturday went on a “pond tour” with a friend.  The tour spanned 3 counties and had all kinds of waterfalls, ponds, gardens, etc.  Some really nice work on several of them – though one had way too many gnomes.  I decided it looked like the end result of a hoarder who decided to put in a pond.

That evening, I met up with friends for dinner at PF Changs.  The restaurant was really cool and the food was excellent. And the company was a lot of fun.  We covered a lot of topics and really had a great conversation.  Hoping to hang out with this crew again soon.

Sunday morning I worked on the mint I had drying in my basement. I got all the leaves off the stems and sealed away in some tupperware – I’ll crush this a little better one of these days and get it ready to become tea.  I’ll do a test brew to make sure it’s good before I give any away – just in case.  Though, really, how can you screw up mint?

Went out to dinner on Sunday to Rockne’s and got wheat pasta, chicken, and broccoli  – and no sauce.  I cleared my plate on that one – really good.    And pretty healthy too.

Had a bit of a mild headache most of the weekend and it’s come back today.  Not bad, just enough to be noticeable and mildly annoying.  I took some advil this morning, but it hasn’t been able to kick it yet.

Also over the weekend I bought another wooden box.  I really enjoy containers in general and this was shaped a bit like a pyramid with the top cut off – and then inverted.  I don’t have anything in particular to put in it – it’s been added to my collection.

I’ve started to make the moves to replace my car.  I’d really rather not have to get a new one – I like my car pretty well – but the looming repair bills have me worried.  It was also really nice not having a car payment.

That’s it for the weekend.  My sister is due to have her second child any day now – looking forward to meeting the newest member of the family.


Here’s the breakdown of my afternoon yesterday.

3:59 I got a text as I was headed up campus to swim, but couldn’t read it because of the sun glare.  When I got the pool I read the message and saw that it was from my former co-worker – he was inviting me to dinner and asking if I would bring my external hard-drive to get the music he’d left behind on his work computer and that I had salvaged.

4:11 I sent him a text back asking when he wanted to meet, but didn’t get a response.  I changed clothes and hit the pool, thinking I could still get a quick swim before dinner, even without knowing the time.

4:32 20 laps done and back to the locker room to change.  No message yet.  Back to the office to pick up my iPad and then to my car to head home.  While I’m driving, I get a text saying 6:00 – easily do-able.

5:02 I’m home, changed clothes, picked up the drive and out the door again, heading down to Red Robin.  In route, I get another text saying 5:40 for the dinner time.  Since this is also a dinner to celebrate his wife’s birthday, I decided to stop first at a bookstore and get her a card.

5:25 I’m at the bookstore and pick out a card, a magazine, a comic book, and a book of short stories.

5:36 Checked out my purchase.

5:39 Back to my car and over to the restaurant.  I’m in the lobby with one minute to spare and text my friend letting him know I’ve arrived.  He responses that he’s getting close to the exit.

He and his family arrive and we have a nice dinner.  I stole a french fry from his wife – because that’s what I do – and we entertained and were entertained by his toddler.

He had forgotten his computer so I followed him over to his Mom’s house to use her computer as a temporary storage place for his music.  He starts copying the music over, then heads to the bathroom to “desecrate” it.  His wife is talking to her mother-in-law and with nothing to do I decide to keep track of their daughter.  I prevented her from eating magnets, stepping in the dog pee on the floor, playing with scissors, and climbing on anything. I eventually convinced her that finding Mommy would be a good idea and I was able to hand her off to her mom and grandmother.  Dog pee got cleaned up, music finished copying, and I was on my way and home by 7:30

I spent the rest of the evening playing video games and relaxing – trying to wind down from the afternoon.

the ocean

I got a call from Jeff’s sister yesterday from the beach.  She told me that the evening before, they had spread Jeff’s ashes from the pier at Surfside.

Doesn’t really seem real to have to write that line.    And I can’t imagine having to do that.

I’m glad that they were able to honor his wish – that area was among his favorite places along with his hometown (where the rest of his ashes have already been laid to rest).  His family has been going to that beach for decades for their vacations.

I hope that this gives his family some relief – if not now, maybe down the road.  His sister said she wished I could have been there.  It was nice of her to say, but I don’t know that I would have felt right about that.  I guess this is one of those times when you set aside the bad times and try and focus on the the good memories and honoring someone who has passed.

The rest of the conversation was about where they were going out to eat and problems with the condo.  Just their ordinary vacation – except they spread the ashes of their brother in the ocean this time.

crocs, 65, war

I’ve been using the standing desk at work for over a year now and while I’ve gotten used to being on my feet all day – my shoes haven’t.  I’ve gone through several pairs of shoes in that time and when they start to go they start to bother my feet.   So, I finally broke down.

I bought a pair of crocs.   Yes, I’m THAT guy.

I’m wearing them now and here’s my report/review.

1. They are too big.   I wear a size 10 – in fact, my feet are so perfectly a size 10 that I rarely try on shoes.  If they say 10, they fit.   Not the crocs though, I feel like there’s enough room in these for me and a small child – if a small child could be convinced to ride around in my shoes.  (I ordered them online and didn’t have a chance to try them on in person. )

2. They look a little silly.  Not a lot silly, I can still wear them for work, but just slightly silly.  I think it’s the bulk and the curve of the front of the shoes.  Just a little too big and clown-shoe-ish.

3. They aren’t really that comfortable.  I was expecting an all day foot massage and instead they are slightly irritating.  I’ll give it a few days to see if I get used to them.

Went for a swim at lunch yesterday and again after work.  Total laps = 65.  Not too shabby – and I was the fastest person in the pool in the afternoon.  My shoulders and back started to get sore or I would have gone further.

Been playing a lot of God of War for the PS3.  Good game, lots of fun, but I may have been playing too much.  The puzzles, while not that terribly complicated, are stupid easy. I don’t even have to put any thought into them – I’ve learned the way the developers thought and I just find the solution instantly.  That, along with Easy mode, means that I’m flying through the game.

Well, back to work.  Got some system weirdness going on we need to investigate.

shadows, neighbors, pool party, music, day, tv

Went and saw the Dark Shadows movie over the weekend.  It was pretty good, though I guess I was expecting it to be a little more serious.  Not a lot more serious – Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, etc. – but maybe a little more serious.  Eva Green was awesome as usual and it was a fun bit of distraction.

I had been expecting my former neighbors to come over for a visit on Saturday, but they didn’t contact me.  I’m guessing something came up and they forgot, but since it’s the third attempt I think I’ll just let things go.  It would be nice to see them, but they may have felt awkward about it.  If they contact me again I’d be happy to have them over – we’ll see how it goes.

I went to a birthday pool party for one of my friends – her husband is a very recent former co-worker – and I made her a lamp for her birthday.   This was actually a request she had made months ago, but I couldn’t get the design right.  I finally gave up, bought some new paper, and redesigned it.  Turned out pretty amazing – if I do say so myself – and she seemed pleased with it.  I asked her to get some pictures of it when it’s hung up and I’ll share those when I have them.

Much of the day was spent in the pool, dodging raindrops and tormenting children.  Her nieces and nephews all seemed to want to be tossed around in the pool and I did my best to oblige them.  When I wasn’t in the pool, I was stuffing my face with desserts.  Well, I had some actual lunch too, but the desserts were the best.

Today I was back to work and missing my buddy.  He was online for a bit and walked me through the process of getting his music collection off his former work computer – one thing he had forgotten.  I worked on that with him in the morning before he had to start his new job.  I’ll share my external hard drive with him sometime soon and he can get his extensive music collection back.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet, just trying to keep things running and from breaking themselves.  In the middle of the day I got a call from the New York Ladies.  They were having some TV troubles and needed help getting them set up.  I went over after work and got things set up in record time before heading out for some errands.  It’s not much, but they do appreciate my help and I’m glad to do it.

The rest of evening has been video games and reading.  Hoping the week goes quickly – and cools down a bit.  Still no AC for me, but I may need it tonight.

puppies, air, observation

Yesterday, I went with my neighbor to his mom’s pool for they day.  He brought his puppies along too and since the breed is a water-dog, we decided to take them in the pool and see if they would enjoy a swim.  The male took to it pretty well and was fairly calm – though when given a chance he would always swim for the steps out of the pool.   The female didn’t like it as much, though she did like the treats she got for swimming and being a “good girl”.    It was fun, though I got a little sunburned on my shoulders.

I still haven’t turned on my AC yet.   It’s partly because I want to save energy, partly to save money, and mostly because I’m stubborn and I want to see how long I can hold out.  Open windows and fans have generally been enough and a cold shower before I go to bed is enough to let me go to sleep.  The heat really doesn’t bother me much – I figure that if it’s summer time, it’s going to be hot out.  But guests to my home do not share that philosophy and they are uncomfortable. So, I’ll give way in a few days and turn it on – though I’ll still keep it warmer than most places with air.

Finally, an observation about observation.  I’ve long prided myself on being aware of my surroundings and paying attention to details.  I make connections, find lost things, and keep people from stepping out into traffic.

However, my observational skills failed me recently – or rather, I noticed recently how they had failed me months ago.  I have a door in my house that separates the first and second floors.  It’s got 12 glass panels and the former owners had a curtain on it that I’ve never done anything with.   I did notice that one of the upper panes was cracked, but in the months that I’ve lived there, I never noticed that 2 of the lower panels are just flat out missing.  As in, they’ve been gone since before I moved in.  I only noticed them when I was running the sweeper and went to rest my hand on the door for balance while I switched out the attachment.

How in the world did I miss the fact that these were missing?  It’s not like the rest of the panes are ultra-super clean.  They are below eye level, but still.

Not sure how I’m going to come back from this – maybe I need to find a nice big haystack and go needle-searching.

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