power source

Went to Fazoli’s for dinner last evening.  I like the food there and I like how they are trying to straddle the line between fast food (you order at a counter and the food is ready quickly) and a sit down dinner (the food is brought out to you and you eat with real silverware).  The staff wear shirts that proudly proclaim they are Garlic Powered, Tomato Powered, or Basil Powered.

On a previous visit, one young woman was wearing a shirt labeled Basil Powered.  She was not quite focused and didn’t more with any deliberation as she moved about the restaurant.  I concluded that Basil must not be an effective power source.

This time, the same woman was there and was working behind the counter.  She was now tagged as being Tomato Powered and was move quickly and efficiently.

I don’t know how that actually works – perhaps the acids in tomato juice function as a primitive type of battery – but there is clearly something to this and requires more research.  For Science!

under the weather and off the internet

I was under the weather yesterday – stomachache and headache.  Just out of sorts and cranky all day- even snapped at some folks. I got home, worn out and tired, and saw that my modem lights were blinking – and not in a good way.

I suspected that it was my MAC address since the last sales person I talked to at TWC was vague on that.  So, I girded my loins again and called TWC.

And it wasn’t that bad.  I talked to a local guy, explained what I thought the problem was, and told him about my own diagnostic attempts.  He seemed to appreciate my skill level and we quickly got the correct address entered.  In short order, my Internet was back up and I was on line. He kept me on the line to do a couple more quick tests and then I was done.

I was really worried and prepared to be really pissed off – but everything went really smoothly.

I took some aspirin and had a couple of turkey sandwiches and felt a lot better as the evening went on.  Went over to a friend’s house to watch American Horror Story on DVD – then walked back home afterwards.  He texted me later and said I was brave for walking home in the dark unarmed after watching that scary and disturbing show.  I reminded him:

I am the weapon.

To which he responded.  Hahahahahahahahaha…

Editor’s note:  I’ve been reminded that the actual response was:

“Hahahahahahahahahaha SNORT hahahahahahaha”

TWC: the empire strikes back – also, chicken feet & cow tongue – and bubble tea

I had kind of a late night on Friday, but I was up bright an early for an appointment for a technician from TWC to come out and proceed with the completely pointless installation (since it already worked).

The 8 am to 9 am hour came and went.  At 11:00 am, I called TWC and navigated my way through the the prompts before I finally talked to Olivia.  She was very nice, but could not find a reference to any technician being scheduled to come out to my place.  She was familiar with the offer, but would need to transfer me to sales to get that sorted out.  And that didn’t work.  She couldn’t transfer the call.  So, after a few times of trying she verified my number and said that a person from their sales group would call back, “in seconds”.  I hung up the phone with her.

15 minutes later, I called again and this time worked my way right over to the sales area and talked to Lee.    He tried to do a hard sell on cable TV and phone, came back with the wrong price until I got that sorted out, and insisted that I have a technician come out to verify my identity and do an install.  We politely went back and forth on that before I offered to provide him the MAC address – again – so they could see the modem remotely.  That seemed to mollify him and he was able to confirm that yes, I had paid and that yes, things should be okay.

This morning, I sent a note to the OBEN folks to cancel my payroll deduction.    I figure I’ve got a 50/50 chance that my service will continue to work correctly or that it will suddenly stop.  If it stops, I’ll give TWC one chance to make it right – otherwise, refund and look for another provider.

With my whole Saturday morning wasted, I went out for pizza with friends and then over to the West Side Market in Cleveland.    After about 2 minutes in the meats section, I decided it should be renamed  West Side Market of Various Animal Parts That Someone Would Consider Eating But That Someone Is Not Me.    An entire pigs head, with eyeballs still in place.  Cow’s tongue. Chicken Feet.  Pig stomach.    It was pretty revolting.

I had more enjoyment in the pastry section and found a spot that was selling Bubble tea.  It’s really just tea, with milk, fruit flavoring, and tapioca balls – served with a huge straw to suck up the tapioca.  I’d heard great things about this, but could never find a place that made them.  It was… just okay.  Kind of novel, but not all that.

I did get some dried fruit – strawberry, mango, kiwi, and ginger – but that was the extent of my trip there.  Not really worth the trip back just for that, but still a fun experience.


Here are the pictures of the jack-o-lanterns on my porch for Halloween this year.  Don’t know if they’ll last all the way to halloween – we’ve had some damp, warm weather – but they are pretty cool now.

the stupid wins today

My afternoon sucked.  Worked my brain off to get a project done and I was the only one left in the office so I couldn’t even vent about how annoyed I was that it came down to the wire like it did.   Ugh.  It was literally a two keystroke problem from years ago that got me to that point and my head will figuratively explode if I don’t let it go.    So, here’s me letting it go  – and on to a much better story.

I get home a little later than usual and I’ve skipped my swim.  So, I’m cranky and annoyed – even more so because I have to switch over my internet provider.  The university used to have a deal for discounted internet service with TWC – via payroll deduction.  Which was very handy and convenient.  And of course had to be stopped.   If I don’t get it switched over by the end of the month, I don’t get “the deal” of $29.99 per month for a year.  And by “switched over”, it’s just a billing thing.  I already have service with TWC, I just need to get billed once a month instead of payroll deduction.

Never one to let “insult to injury” pass me by – even if it’s directed at myself – I call TWC and mentally gird my loins.  Which I think means put on my big boy pants.

Now, I’ve got a set of instructions in front of me on how to get to a local sales rep  – which is important because only the local folks know about the deal.  I’m sorry – “the deal”.

I get past the voice prompts and the “hold commercials” that they were playing and finally talk to a dude.  I’m going to call him Skippy – partly because I didn’t write down his name and partly so I’m not tempted to try and track him down and egg his house.  (Oh, yeah, I could do it – don’t push me.)

So, Skippy is a local guy and knows what I’m talking about when I mention OBEN (Ohio Broadband Educational [yeah, right] Network).  Yea!

And here’s where it starts to get ugly.  I mean, it’s a slam dunk for him – there’s no sales pitch needed. If I’m calling about switching over, I’ve already made a commitment to get/continue the service.  And, apparently, the shaft.

He tries to get me to sign up for cable TV and is so astonished that I don’t want it that I have to repeat myself.   He also wants me to sign up for internet phone.  I tell him “that my cell phone is sufficient” .   To which Skippy’s response is to offer to transfer me over to Verizon when we’re done to sign up for cell phone service.  Apparently, “sufficient” did not make his vocab-list and I have to explain to him that I’m actually calling him from a Verizon cell phone.

And now we’re both getting snippy.  He asks me how many computers I have in the house – I tell him a computer and an iPad.  He asks what I do on the internet; video games, downloading movies, etc..  I know where this is going – he’s going to try and push for “beyond the standard” package.  I explain that I use it for surfing the web and skip the fact that my PS3 is online.    He then asks me to verify my information and wants my social security number.

Really?   Really.

Finally, he’s rolling on to his closing script and wanting my credit card number to charge me for the first month’s service. And the number is way too high.  I interrupt him several times before  he finally stops talking and I explain that this is an OBEN switch and that the deal is for $29.99 a month.  He tells me that he knows that.  I ask what the extra charge is for and he asks ‘what extra charge?”  It takes a couple of tries before I can convince him to do math and discover that the number he wants to charge me is not the same as $29.99 and it is, in fact, higher.   “Oh, he says,”That’s for the wireless setup”.

“What wireless set up?  I already have a wireless router,”

“Well,”  he huffs, “you said you had an iPad,”

“Yes, and it works with my wireless router,”

He goes away and comes back with a new number – also not correct and still higher than it should be.

I ask why it is still not the $29.99.  He patiently explains to me as though I am an idiot that this is  – of course – the modem rental fee.

I explain that I already have a modem and he gets all defensive.  “This is the first he has heard about this,” he insists and goes away again.  He comes back and now needs the serial number, the model number, and the MAC address of the modem – which was not in my notes.  So, I unplug the modem and carefully read him a great honking pile of numbers, which seems to satisfy him for the moment.

Now, it’s time for him to schedule an appointment for the installation and he’s got me down for 8:00am on Freaking SATURDAY morning.  I force my way into his script again to interrupt him and finally get him stopped.  “Why do I need an installation?” I ask, with desperation in my voice, “It is already working,”

“Well,” he counters, “We have to have a technician make sure,”

For just a moment, just a moment,  I consider running through the facts with him in a summary.

OBEN is simply a billing option through TWC.  I’ve already had the service for nearly a year with no problems.  I use my own router, my own modem, and it already works – and is in fact working while I was talking to him.  (I could literally see the data pumping through my re-plugged in modem).   He already has all my information because I’m already a customer. There’s no installation needed because it was already done by TWC.

And then I just gave up.  Accepted the appointment. Thanked him for his help.  Hung up the phone.  And wept.  I was beaten, bloodied, and bruised.  The stupid won today.    Not that I’m saying that Skippy was stupid – though I am implying that.  No, the Stupid in this case refers to an inflexible process.

So, early on Saturday morning I need to be awake and ready to somehow explain to the technician that everything is still working that he doesn’t even need to get out his ladder.   I’m guessing that sometime between now and then, my service will be shut off for no damn reason.  That would be almost deliciously ironic.  And all I’ll be able to say to that is, ‘Well played, Skippy, well played,”

site updates – swim & human

Made a couple of updates to my site – mostly from my Hilton Head trip  – but also added the photo I submitted for my major award.



Pumpkin carving – the right tools for the job

My folks came up for  visit this past Saturday.  We met up with one of my friends and took his dogs for a nice long walk in a nearby state park, then headed back to my place to carve pumpkins.

I had already bought the pumpkins and a carving kit that included some tools and some patterns.  Since I was the host, I did a simple design on mine so that I could help out if anyone needed anything.

The other three used the patterns provided – with varying degrees of success.  My friend did well with his pumpkin and the little carving saws.  Dad requested another small knife and I found a pocket knife for him to finish up his.

Mom ran into trouble with hers and we later discovered she had picked one of the “advanced” patterns.  So, we all pitched in to help out – with Dad doing much of the work, me getting additional tools and supplies, and my friend sharing some ideas.

Our list of tools used:

1. Steak knives
2. A pocket knife
3. Two mini-saws
4. plastic pinwheel for marking the patterns.
5. plastic punch for knocking out sections.
6. a mallet and chisel
7. Toothpicks to repair loose sections of the design.
8. Sharpie markers.
9. plastic pumpkin guts scraper

The design mom did had mini jack-o-lanterns with tiny features.  And the mini saws just weren’t up to the task.  After struggling with this for a while, Dad turned to me and asked, “Do you have a drill?”

10. Drill

So, back to the basement I went and returned with a drill.  We found a three prong outlet, plugged in the extension cord, and Dad drilled out the eyes of the mini jack-o-lanterns – enough that light would show through once we cleaned up the edges.

We got everything cleaned up, went out to dinner, and had pumpkin pie when we got back.   Dad took his jack-o-lantern with him when they went home – the rest are sitting on my front porch waiting for a good night to light them up and get some photos.

Drilling out the eyes

shirts, art, excited, pizza

Took myself to Kohl’s recently, found the clearance rack, and picked up 4 shirts for about $30.  I’m always a little distrustful of the “sales hype” of Kohl’s but with a little luck there are some deals to be found.

In other shirt news, I went to the Rubber City Clothing company as part of the Akron Art Walk.  Got the Route 8 sign printed in blue on a blue shirt.  Very cool and subtle.  The woman working at the shop (she called everyone “babe”, but I didn’t catch her name) – thought I made a good choice and commended me for thinking outside the box while she made up the shirt.

The Akron Art walk was a mixed bag.  Some of the galleries were crazy over-priced and pretentious, but there were some really cool things too.   The cool stuff included pottery with QR codes on them – and the codes pointed to Wikipedia entries on the types of pottery.

One area has a show that wasn’t meant to last – all the pieces were intended to be destroyed when the exhibit was done.  And one of the pieces there had a bunch of objects that you were encouraged to use to make your own artwork.  When done, we took a picture with the attached digital camera and left it for the next person to redo.

There was also an art contest and some really cool pieces to vote on.  We voted on the guy shamelessly self-promoting himself with free samples.

Next up was a glass blowing demonstration.  Very cool.  Well, actually extra-fiery hot.  But neat, yeah, that’s the word.

In my own art news… I’ve been working hard on my Halloween costume and having a lot of success.  I completed one of the more complicated steps and was so excited I jumped up and down in place – much like a very excitable 3 year old I know.

I got to see that 3 year old on Sunday as his parents had us over for some freaking amazing home-made pizza.  I helped the little dude assemble a plastic car and got to see his excited jumping again.

So, the costume should be wrapped up by the middle of this week – just two more steps to complete.  Which puts me way ahead of schedule.   Sorry, though, no hints in advance.

telemarketed by my own employer

So, I’m at work earlier this week and on the phone with a user when the message light comes on my phone.  Since the phone hadn’t rung, I assumed that someone – presumably my boss – had transferred a voice-mail to me.  When I got off the phone I checked my voicemail and the sender was Broadcast box.  That got me worried  – this function is normally reserved as a Reverse-911 in an emergency.  I log in and bring up the message.

And it’s a commercial.

From the head football coach.

He was encouraging all the faculty and staff to attend the Appreciation day and to get our “dagum season tickets”.

I lasted only a few second myself before I deleted the message – I heard the rest when my boss played the message on his speaker phone.

Really?  This is a good use of our time and resources?  And it gets worse.

Today, I got a call from the ticket office.  Since I help this group with an online registration for sports camps, I picked up the call and mentally shifted into “online registration mode” since this system has some fairly complex rules.

The guy on the phone asked if I had plans to attend homecoming weekend and before I could answer, indicated that they are very excited about the basketball team.  He then asked if how many basketball games I planned to attend.  I replied that “I’m not really a fan”.

“Oh, ” he said, “Why not?”

At this point, my side of the conversation split into three tracks:

1. What I said, “I’m not really into sports,”

2. What I was thinking, “It’s boring and a waste of time,”

3. What I would have said if I’d had more time to think about it, “I’d rather play video games,” or, if I really wanted to mess with him, “I NEVER LEARNED HOW TO READ!”

He replied, “Why is that? Don’t like the atmosphere…?”

1. What I said, “You know, I’m at work and I really need to get back to that.  I think we should just end this call,”

2. What I was thinking, “You are annoying the shit out of me,”

3. What I would have said if I’d had more time to think about it, “I really just hate other people and can’t stand to be around them,” or  “I’m deathly afraid of kangaroos,”

I managed to hang up without being a total jerk-face – though I really wish it was in my nature to do that every so often.  Yes, I know it’s his job and he’s supposed to try to forcibly extract a season ticket from me. Yes, I know I should give a damn about the sports teams here or at least pretend better.

But, really, I just couldn’t care less.  I just want to put in my 8 hours and then get the hell out of here.

Two times in the same week –  I got telemarketed by my own employer.

power restored

I got a call on my cell phone yesterday from “unavailable”, but there was no one there after I said hello several times. I’m guessing that this was notification that the work was done.   When I got home, everything was working again.  Would have been nice to know what caused the line to go out in the first place, but at least it’s working again.  All that’s left to do is restock the freezer with frozen french bread pizza and I’ll be good to go.   I learned a lot about how my house works from this experience – and consider myself pretty lucky that it wasn’t any worse.

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