ghost story

I had a dream last night that I was in the middle of a land dispute between a town – who had a legal claim to the land – and group of nomads/gypsies that had been using the land as a base camp for generations.  As the grandson one of the leaders of the town and a descendant of one of the town founders, I was chosen to speak for the town.    After the nomads made their case, I got up and made an impassioned speech about history and the lives of the people that had been involved.  I then suddenly made an about face and told everyone assembled that the real problem was all the ghosts that had been stirred up by the conflict.   There were hundreds of them and they were each tied to a specific object.  Those objects – paintings, vases, books – had been gathered in the meeting hall where I was speaking and I talked about how we needed to settle all of this once and for all.

I proposed that the town give up their claim to the land entirely.   In exchange, the nomads would take the objects and commune with the ghosts by holding their objects.  The nomads – being generally better story tellers – would write down the story of the ghosts.  Once the story had been told, the ghosts would be at peace.    And once they were at peace, the object could be destroyed and the ghost would move on.  If the object was destroyed before they were at peace, the ghost would go on a rampage until they were bound to a new object.

The nomads agreed to the terms and the town agreed as well –  happy to be relieved of the burden of the objects and the ghosts.

The meeting concluded, I went into a back room and picked up a vase.  With a few of the townsfolk with me, I explained that as I was dying I had deliberately dropped some of my blood into the vase so that I would be bound to it when I came back as a ghost.    My story told, I dropped the vase.  As the vase shattered, I faded out.

And woke up.

super-hero birthday party, pizza, cat

My friends and family threw me a super-hero party for my 40th birthday recently.  The theme was the Blue Lantern and there were balloons, decorations, and a matching cake.  And most everyone was dressed in blue!   It was supposed to be a surprise, but due to some unpleasant and not-entirely-resolved circumstances, they had to tell me it was happening.  Still, the decorations were a surprise and the party was fun.    Meant a lot to have so many of my friends around me for the big 4-0.

For my official birthday dinner we went out for pizza.  We ate about half the pizza, asked for a box, then set the box of pizza on the ledge to the side of the table.  We finished our drinks and got ready to go, then realized the pizza box was gone.  Our over-zealous and frequently absent server had thought the box – that she had just brought over – had belonged to a table that had long been cleared and threw it away as trash.     She felt really bad about it, but nothing to do about it.  I suspect we’ll get a discount the next time we go in – we’re regulars there.

Last weekend, I headed down to visit my family for my niece’s birthday.  In contrast to my super-hero party, my niece wanted a princess party.  My sister made her a princess castle cake and my niece wore a tiara and a princess dress.  My sister is hoping she’ll grow out of the princess phase I think, but for now my niece is all princess.  While the princess was napping, we played a few rounds of Farkle – which is becoming one of my favorite games.

My cat has been doing well.  He’s playful, sneaky, and affectionate – just like me.  🙂    We got through his medicine without damaging our friendship, but he’s still apparently got a bit of a cold.  He’s sneezed on my head a couple times, falls off the couch more frequently than I would have expected from a cat, and yesterday he unplugged the playstation in the middle of a game.  I guess that’s one way to get more attention.

I adopted a cat and named him Thunder.

I’ve been thinking for awhile that I wanted to adopt an animal and my first thought was to start small (fish, mice,etc.) and work my way up to larger mammals (cat or dog).  But I found I’d really bonded with one of my friend’s cats and decided to get one of my own.

So, I got all the gear first – litter box, litter, food, food dish, water dish, brush, treats, etc. – and then went to a local pet rescue with a cat carrier in my back seat.    I went in, went up to the desk, and told the woman there I wanted to adopt a cat.  She took me back to the first of the cat rooms and told me to pick one out – or let one of them pick me out.  I found a couple that I liked, then checked out the rest of the cat rooms.  After a bit, I narrowed it down to 2 – Bruno and Greyson.  And since Bruno showed affection by trying – unsuccessfully – to bit my hand off, I decided on Greyson.

I went back to the counter to fill out the paperwork and that’s about when the first wave of hell broke loose.  In addition to the animal supplies and adoption, the place was also a doggie day care.  And it was time for people to pick up their animals.  Every dog in the place freaked out at the new people and the dogs that were brought out to do be taken home.  I finished the paperwork and went to get the cat carrier from my car – though not before the staffer questioned me on my response to the section “How will you discipline your pet?”  I had indicated, “Harsh language and loss of driving privileges,” and then admitted that the cat was going to pretty much be in charge anyway.

The dogs settled down a bit by the time I got back and the staff person told me to go pick up Greyson and bring him to the front.  I went to get the cat and brought him up just as another huge dog was brought out and set everyone off again. We got Greyson into the carrier with what was I’m sure a meow of gratitude.

Then she noted that according to the paperwork, he had an upper respiratory infection and needed to be given medicine for the next 5 days.  She got him back out and demonstrated how it worked and I nodded, but I was a little worried about doing this myself.  We loaded him back up and I paid for him and took my cat- now named “Thunder” – to the car for the short trip home.

He meowed the entire way and I was eager to get him inside and settled down.  I opened up the cage and let him out in my dining room and he started to explore.  I took him on a tour of the house and he followed me.  In short order he’d:

  • Had his first meal.
  • First drink.
  • First poop – in the litter box, no less.
  • First of what may become infinite belly rubs.
  • First adventure with a paper bag.
  • First video game.

And all the while, purring so hard I thought he was going to hurt himself.  I was like “dude, shift gears already! You’re going to  blow out your trans-axle!”

We settled in for the night and he joined me – laying at the foot of my bed.  At some point in the night he must have gone to the basement to use the litter box again, but he was back up in my bed when I woke up this morning.

We’ve spent the day hanging out and playing. I introduced him to the windows and a cardboard box  – and he really enjoyed both.  I brushed him and then decided to try to give him the medicine.

That did not go well.

Nothing got spilled (including blood), but nothing got in the cat either.  We were both pissed off after several failed attempts and I think I’ll try again in a bit with him wrapped up in a towel.

He’s also pretty much learned his name and I can call out “Thunder Cat, HOOOOO!” anywhere in the house and he’ll come running.    Well, sometimes.

So, I’m now a pet owner.  And I think we’re both pretty happy at that – I’d be purring if I could.

filling, write-up

I went to the dentist on Friday morning to have a cavity filled.  I knew I was in for trouble when the waiting room had fox news playing.  I mean, really?  People actually watch that?

The dentist was friendly, but did a better job of numbing my lip than the inside of my mouth.  So, when he put that needle in, it hurt like crazy.  I winced, he apologized, and I sat there quietly while we waited for it to kick in.  Once he was ready, he told me to let them know if I felt anything since the shot should have taken care of it.  Now brimming over with confidence, I agreed and they set to work.

At one point, the dentist asked his assistant for a “2 by 2” and I would have told them to go ahead since there was already a 2 by 4 in my mouth by the feel of it.  Except that I couldn’t speak because they had all that gear in there.  Too bad, too.  That would have been funny.  But not worth stopping what they were doing just to make a joke that I might have had to explain to them.

The actually filling didn’t take too long and I was on my slightly woozy way to work.

When I got there, one of my first tasks was an unpleasant one.  I had to write up my student assistant.  We’re really laid back in the office, but the day before yesterday I had assigned him a task and found him asleep at his desk.  Not just, “whoops, my head fell down and I went sleepy-time”.  No, this was leaned back, feet up, and full-on nap mode.  All he lacked was a snuggie.

This was the second time he’s done this, so yesterday I found the form, filled it out and set some new rules.  If I find him asleep again, he goes home for the day.  Asleep on the clock again and we’ll terminate him.

This actually seemed pretty lax to me – I mean, it should be obvious that one should stay awake at work – but he got a little pissy about it.  But not at me.  He was upset that he was being held to a higher standard than one of our full time colleagues – even going so far as to fill out his own complaint form about that person. He gave that to me and I hung onto it – I’ll ask him on Monday if he still wants me to take it forward.  It’s not going to do a bit of good and only going to make him look whiny on the heels of his own write up.   We stayed busy the rest of the afternoon and I think we’re cool.  I hated doing it – I like working with him – but it’s not doing him any favors to look the other way now and have him go out into the “real-world” with unrealistic expectations.

new year’s, back to the pool, the dentist, and the red cross, potential cat, hope

I had a pretty quiet new year’s eve – went out to an early dinner of pesto chicken and amazing bread, then back video games until midnight.  I didn’t watch any of the countdowns as I find them all to be pretty painfully artificial.  Especially the hosts.  Ugh.

On New Year’s Day, I had lunch with friends-of-friends and found that one of them had interviewed at UA for an IT position a while back.  It was interesting to compare notes with someone who only had a brief glimpse of my department – at a time that really wasn’t us at our best.

Today was back to work for me and it was a pretty quiet day even after being off for so long.  I had kept up with my emails pretty well so there were no surprises for me, just the usual stuff.

I also got back to the pool  – which almost didn’t work out.  At my co-workers suggestion, I checked the website before I left and confirmed that the pool was open with three lanes.  When I got there, the sign on the door said the pool was closed.   The guy at the desk said he “thought” it was open for a few lanes before the swim meet.  I got changed and checked with the life guard.  She “thought” there was an open lane and went to check.  Finally, she found one of the swim coaches and he kicked two of his swimmers out of the lane so I could use it.  I got in my laps – one mile down for the year and 199 to go.

On Friday, it’s back to the dentist.  I have a cavity that needs to be filled and I’m going into work afterwards.  Eh, not really a big deal though I’m not looking forward to it.

And on Monday, it’s back to donating blood.  I had to take a year off because I was deferred – which was a bummer.  This time I’m doing a double-red donation – and I have to remember to take some tums.  (the anti-coagulant in the mix gives me a horrible taste in my mouth – something that the calcium in tums will clear).

In other news… I’ve decided to adopt a cat.  I don’t have it yet – though I’ve picked out a name and got all the gear.  I have a friend that volunteered at an animal shelter that I’m going to talk to and see if he can give me some pointers.

And finally, I’m cautiously optimistic about the new year.   Last year started out really rough, but as with all difficult things it got easier over time.   I had begun to wonder, but I guess I’ve got a little Blue Lantern in me after all.  There’s a little hope in the days ahead and though I can be gloom and doom with the best of them, I’m trying to see the sunshine past the ever-present clouds.

killer, thief

I share a driveway with one set of neighbors and we chat whenever I see them.  The neighbors on the other side I didn’t know at all, even after having lived at my place for a year. These were the ones who’s yard I raked and I thought I might see them at some point – even if only to tell me to stay out of their yard.

One of my friends came over the other day and one of the neighbors was driving past and thought that he was me.   I came out and talked to her for a bit about how we hadn’t met yet and she mentioned off hand that she and her fiance thought I might have been a killer.

I was a little taken aback – not thinking I was that “off”.    When I thought about it later, I realized  – from their perspective – I might have seemed a little odd based on a collection of harmless behaviors.

1. I keep my curtains closed on the first floor much of the time.  It helps with the heating and cooling and affords a little privacy in a house in the city.  Still, I did have them open  – windows too – in the summer.

2. I don’t use my front door much since I park my car in the garage in the back.  Though I do leave from that door if I’m going for a walk or when I’m getting my mail.

3. I don’t leave a lot of lights on.  I prefer a slightly dim environment when I can get it – much more peaceful after a day of work.  I like little pools of light where I’m working and don’t like to waste the energy.   Still, there are some lights on in the evening – it’s not like the house is always dark.

4. I’m quiet.  I don’t like loud music and don’t have loud parties at my place.  I would think this is a good thing.

5. If I’m outside, I’m usually in the backyard.  It’s bigger and there’s more to work on back there.  I do keep my lawn mowed in the front and I’ll sometimes sit on the front porch in the summer and read.

I ended up telling her that I was just really quiet (“it’s always the quiet ones”) and said it was good to meet her.  I was considering baking some cookies and taking them over to their place – but I’m guessing they wouldn’t trust them now. Odd.

Yesterday, I was out to dinner with some friends and jokingly stole some food off of other people’s plates.  It’s really more for the mind games and test of speed than actually keeping the food, but people usually see the humor in it. One of the kids we were with followed my lead and “stole” a piece of pizza – still on the fork – right out of my friends hand. Everyone laughed – but not as much as when the same kid picked his pocket and took his car keys.

So, I’m apparently perceived as a killer and a thief.   I had no idea I was so bad-ass.

jaw popped

I was headed up to the pool yesterday and my jaw popped as I yawned.  It made sort of a crackling noise as it did so and my jaw ached afterwards.

I’ve had this happen before, but not for quite awhile.  When I was a kid I got diagnosed with TMJ – Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.   Back then my jaw popping would be loud enough that other people could hear it, my lower jaw was canted to the side, and I could almost dislocate my jaw.

I cut out the gummy bears and chewing gum and tried to calm myself down so I wasn’t clenching my teeth so much  – and while it didn’t go away, it got much better.  My jaw will still hurt if I have to hold my mouth open for an extended period – like going to the dentist – but otherwise it’s not been much of an issue.

Apparently, even without the chewy foods, the teeth clenching as a result of increased stress lately has made my TMJ flare up again.  Since I noticed this I’ve been trying to relax my jaw, but work and other stresses have been making that tough.  Thinking about getting a mouth guard until things settle down a bit – I’m sure it’s also related to my headaches.

I’ve got a break coming up, hoping that will reduce some of the tension and help me relax a bit.  I don’t want to go back to the constant jaw pain.  And I really miss gummy bears.

early Christmas, zeal, rescue

This past weekend, I went to visit my family for an early Christmas.  My sister and her family will be visiting her in-laws for Christmas day, so we got together on Saturday to exchange gifts and hang out with my nieces.  They were both really cute and fun – had a really nice time playing on the iPad and with some playdough with the older one.  I got some nice presents and I think everyone had fun.

On Sunday, I hung around my parents house until they got home from church.  We had lunch, and then we all sat down in the family room.  I knew something was up when Dad didn’t turn on the TV.

Mom started by asking if I believed in the doomsday prophecy (12/21/2012) and I said it was bunk and explained why.  She got more general about prophecy and I replied that there too many variables.  Then she started talking about prophecy in the bible and how so many of the prophecies in the bible had already come true – according to the bible.  I did mention “single source”, but that didn’t carry much weight.

Dad brought up the conflict in the middle east and the Super storm Sandy as indicators of end times – and I responded that people said that Katrina and the Tsunamis were indicators and then nothing happened.  And that the conflict in the middle east has been going for hundreds of years and would continue due to some basic factors related to resources.

There were a few more comments and I had answers for them as well – then Dad got angry(?) or at least heated and raised his voice – upset that I wasn’t keeping an open mind.  I could have responded that they weren’t keeping an open mind either – but I knew better than to engage.  I was mostly quiet for the rest of the discussion and tried to show them that these were not the end times and that while I respected their religion (though, admittedly, less now than before the discussion), I didn’t share their beliefs – and neither did the catholics, jews, buddists, hindu, etc.  And that it should be okay.

They finished up by telling me that they would be fine when the rapture came, but they were worried (and upset because I’m close-minded) that I would go to hell because I’m not a believer.

Then we hugged and Dad asked how the rest of my week was going to be and if I had a lot of meetings.

[crickets chirping]

Like a light switch, the barrage was over.  I know they meant well, but it really was a barrage.  Dad almost yelling at me, Mom with a gigantic bible in her lap quoting at me.    I really don’t know what prompted it – though they did quote their minister a few times.  And I don’t know what they were hoping to accomplish.  Well, I guess they hoped I would go along with them – though Dad did say he didn’t expect me suddenly ‘get it’ and Mom said she was proud of my hardheadedness and my questioning nature.

(insert head shaking here)

I got a bite to eat and we watched an episode of Bones on DVD before I left.  I fought a terrible headache all the way back and had to stop a couple of times just to get out of the car and rest my brain.

When I got back to Akron, I stopped over at a friend’s to see how his weekend was.  As I was leaving, I looking out the side view mirror and saw a familiar cat next to his house.  It was his cat Max, who had slipped out while I was leaving. I shut off my car, got out quickly, and scooped up the cat.   He was freaked out and clawed me a bit, but I hung on.  My friend was by this point in his back-yard with the dogs, so I walked around and shouted to get his attention and told him I had his cat.  He met me at the door and we let the freaked out indoor cat back where he belonged.

So, a fun weekend, a disturbing weekend, and a heroic weekend.  Almost glad to be back to work.


I had a dentist’s appointment last Friday, so I had been extra diligent with my teeth and had been flossing like mad – hoping to avoid the lecture.  And the bleeding.

So, first off, X-rays.  Uncomfortable  – I almost gagged a couple times.

Then the cleaning.  The hygienist said I had good oral hygiene  but I bled like crazy when she was flossing me. I’ve heard you can swallow a pint of your own blood before getting sick – and I think I got pretty close.  Okay, well, maybe not that much blood – but it was still a lot and it was annoying.

Then the dentist came in and said that I was apparently grinding my teeth (news to me) and that I had a cavity (also news to me).  We talked about the TMJ I have and he said he had it too and had to give up chewing gum.  I made an appointment for after the first of the year to get it filled and went on my way – still tasting blood even after the cleaning.

Blasted with x-rays while I clenched plastic in my mouth.  Teeth scraped with a metal pick.  Waxed string dragged through my teeth.   X-rays aren’t “exactly” low tech, but still…

150 miles

So, last Thursday I finished up 150 miles in the pool for the year.  My original goal was 120, but I finished it early enough to set a new goal and get to that as well.   Not bad for an almost 40 year-old geek.

I’ve still got a few days before the pool closes for the break and I’ll try to do some more, but I don’t have any official goals.

Next year, maybe 200 miles?

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