Earlier this week, I attended a training session called ALiCE – Alert, Lockdown, inform, Counter, Evacuate. It’s meant to help people deal with an active shooter in a public environment, like a classroom or office building. I was a little concerned when we started out that it was creating an environment of fear – just like the TSA does – but this was informative and I think useful. We ended up being empowered to more effectively deal with a problem like this – if it does come up. We talked about throwing items, creating barricades, jumping out windows, and taking down the attacker. It’s not we were suddenly turned into bad-asses, but I think we were all a little more confident at the end.
They also talked about how faculty can observe and report student behaviors to try and prevent this from happening in the first place – but they weren’t able to come up with how to report strange behavior from a colleague. I mean, I work in IT and we’re all a little “off” – but we had one guy that used to have animated conversations with people that weren’t there. He left the department a while ago, but it would have been nice to maybe have him talk to a real person at some point.
In other news… Yesterday, I decided to reset my network at home. Fortunately, I wasn’t alone – I had my faithful assistant Thunder(cat) on hand to help out. He tried to eat my ethernet cable, went after the trackball like it was his job to kill it, and tried to tip over the monitor. It sounds bad on paper, but he’s a cat – these kind of things are really in his wheelhouse. And I only had to call him by his nickname – LFB, Little Furry Bastard – twice last night. Which is down from how it usually goes.
We got the router reset and a new password added and got the devices back online. To celebrate, I had a cookie and Thunder had a tuna flavored snack. I think he wanted the cookie as well, but I’m taller and not afraid to use that to my advantage.
He’s a good cat and a lot of fun. I know that he’s plotting to kill me at some point, but he seems pretty cool about it and I figure we’re good until he decides it’s time for the final showdown.