I did the bulk of my Christmas shopping online, but there were a few things I wanted to get that I went to the stores for. Armed with a list, I braved the shopping plaza – and I shopped. It occurred to me, as I battled the crowds and lines, WWKD?
What Would Ke$ha Do?
Well, if her songs are any indication, she would steel a bottle of wine, drink most and spill the rest in the toy aisle, and would grope anyone and everyone – including the clerk – in the checkout. And then rip the pages out of a magazine and throw up in a shopping cart.
As fun as that sounds, I didn’t do any of those things. Instead, I stuck to my list and escaped with only light emotional scarring. I think I’m pretty much done unless I’m out and something catches my eye.
I’m at work today – feeling sick and deeply tired. I’d rather be at home playing video games with my cat. (he cheats) But, there’s too much to be done and big projects that need my attention. I’m waiting to hear back from a couple of folks on the biggest project, but I’ve enough to keep me busy in the meantime.
I’m also going through Halls like they are going out of style to try and keep the cough at bay. I suspect that the entire world now tastes of strawberry menthol. And, yes, it’s as bad as you would expect.
Finally, the steam heat is still out on one part of campus. This is affecting the pool area – the hallway and locker room are like a sauna and the pool deck is chilly. And the pool is bitterly cold. Not as cold as a frozen over lake, but pretty cold when you’ve got a bunch of laps to do. I think it makes me faster, but it also wears me out. I’m not letting my cold (or the cold) get in the way of my swimming, but I think I’m going to have to set myself on fire at some point to finally feel warm. And winter is still just getting started.