The University of Akron holds a Service Awards reception each year for employees that have reached a milestone – 5, 10, 15, etc. – year with UA.
One of the committees I’m on volunteered to help this year and I was asked to prepare the powerpoint that will play in the background, listing all the names of the recipients.
To my surprise, I’m on the list. I started full time at UA in August of 1997 and figured I’d get my certificate next time around. I’m in my 20th year, but I haven’t really finished my 20th – more like 19 and 7/12 years. Or something. I did a little math, but didn’t really care about the result. It looks good, anyway.
But, according to Human Resources and their vaguely inaccurate reckoning, I’ve been at the University of Akron for 20 years.
20 years.
It’s a little tough to wrap my head around. I started out on the computer help desk, moved to client support, then a brief stint in the computer store, then lab support before moving to the webteam. And no, we didn’t use punch cards when I started in computers – though I was on an early Mac with a CRT screen connected to a mainframe for a while.
Over the years the job, and most of the people, have changed. Some things are better and some are worse, but mostly things are just things.
I haven’t lost that excitement over helping our students. That might take the form of teaching someone how to use the online survey tool, setting up an e-commerce site for a student group, running an election, or writing a letter of recommendation for a student employee. And, as as side note, one of my student employees just turned 21. She was 1 year old when I started at UA.
I like solving problems and helping people and so the job doesn’t get old. There’s always something new to do and I’m happiest when I’m busy. I get cranky and frustrated too, sometimes. Mostly when I have to solve a problem more than once or I’ve got a problem that can’t be solved – but I’m mostly happy with my job. And I realize how lucky I am in that regard.
So, next week I’ll attend the reception. I’ll have my name read aloud and shake hands with some people. There may be a photo op with Zippy and I’ll get a certificate – that I’ll keep with the 5, 10, and 15 years ones I still have. In another 10 years, I’ll get a rocking chair and…
Okay, let me stop right there for a moment. The gift that the University gives people at 30 years of service is a rocking chair. Because, by that point, you’ll be so damn old that you sitting around in a chair and rocking slowly back and forth will seem like a good time.
Or, you can get the Captain’s chair that is essentially a rocking chair that doesn’t rock. I guess rocking in a chair is too much for some people.
How about a laptop? Or a skateboard? I’d love to learn how to shred at 54. Or a skydiving trip? Or a freaking shark with a laser?
Nope, rocking chair. I’ll have a listing on Ebay so fast there won’t even be time to unpack it.
But, I digress.
20 years of being “quietly awesome” and saving the damn day, every day.
I dare you to keep up.