I almost – but not quite – had jury duty last week.  

I was at the courthouse early on Monday morning and got through security and checked in at the jury selection room early – armed with a Sudoku book and plenty of paper for the wait.  To my surprise, people kept coming in well after the appointed time – a few folks were as much as a half hour late.  Really?  This is not like missing your reservation at Applebee’s, people.

And quite a few people couldn’t figure out if they were supposed to even be there. There’s a group number, a color code, and a phone number.  Not exactly rocket science.

The staff had us watch a video and we settled in to wait to see if we would be called.  Around 10, a judge came in and explained what was going on.  He was retired and from another county, but had been called in by the Feds to hear a case that had been pending since September – a case where the defendant had just changed his plea to guilty.

The judge went on and thanked us at length for being there – if there wasn’t a jury ready to be seated, the case couldn’t have moved forward and things would not have come to a head.

So, we were essential – but we could leave.

Even though we didn’t get into the courtroom, there was still a certain amount of satisfaction to having been a part in the justice system.  It was a deeply… American thing.   


I’ve been trying to get back into swimming regularly and it’s sort of working – though the pool has been less regular than me.  It’s swim team season and the pool is usually mostly full with only one or two lanes open.  I’m not a fast swimmer and can’t really keep up with the circle swimming so it only really works if I can split a lane.  When I’ve got plenty of room, though, I can swim forever.  Did a couple miles in the pool one day last week after work.  

Yesterday was a rough day in the office and there was only one lane open when I got to the pool – and it already had two people in it.  I had been so looking forward to a swim and the idea of having to navigate around 2 other people was too disheartening.  I just headed back to the locker room, got dressed and went home – grumbling all the way.  Then ate dinner and went to bed early.  I was done with the day.

But if I can swim, well, I’m a different person.  I got my laps in today and I was calm and collected on the drive home.  Read Alice in Wonderland while eating a mostly sensible dinner.  And even the hordes of shrieking children at Target couldn’t set me on edge.  And I do literally mean hordes and literally shrieking.  I get that kids sometimes act up, but… wow.  

I gotta figure a way to hang onto that vibe.  Or maybe even swim in the morning before work to improve my… no, that’s so stupid I can’t even consider that.  There’s no earthly way I could train myself to get up and swim before work.  D-U-M dumb.


I usually cruise at 85 to 90% geek, but this past weekend I was at full, 100% geek.  My folks had bought a new laptop and asked for my help in getting it set up and transferring files from their old laptop over.   

We went from the “unboxing” to installing anti-virus, setting passwords, setting up a wireless printer (which was only slightly less terrible than my own wireless printer), and then transferring files.  Of which there were a lot.  And they were huge.  It took a while to get them onto the flash drive, but then from there it wasn’t too bad to get them to the new machine.

We took a break in there for lunch, then worked some more on the set up and did a Windows 10 tutorial.  Then a trip to the bookstore and an early dinner.

I was glad to be able to help and while they could have handled this themselves I think they appreciated having a geek cover all the bases.  And it was nice to just sit and visit as well.

Later that evening, I helped Jim get Office set up on his laptop.  

‘Cause that’s how this geek rolls.