On Thursday, I got an envelope in campus mail. It was an interoffice envelope – which usually means someone has printed a webpage and marked it up for me to fix. But, with everything going on – I had a brief moment of panic. And even as I opened it at the mailboxes, I knew it wasn’t the notification I had been dreading. Those would come, I suspect, in more official university stationary.

It wasn’t work and it wasn’t the “your service is no longer required” – it was a joking bit of wall art that you could find in any office.

Funny, I guess, though the panic that came along with it wasn’t too funny.

How crappy have things gotten that I’m scared to get mail? [Insert head shaking here]. Anyway, we may finally know more after the board meeting Monday. Or not.


Saturday, a trip to an outdoor art show. I wore my kilt – because if you can’t were it to an outdoor art show, where can you wear it?

I got some looks, a few nice comments, and gave out a couple of business cards for the kilt company. Then one lady came up to me and asked – in a conspiratorial way – if I was wearing anything under my kilt . I told her that it was not an appropriate question, but as it happened, I was. She then asked if it matched my skirt and I corrected her and told it was kilt – and no, it didn’t. As she walked away, she said she had considered just lifting it up, but thought she should asked first.


Role reversal: If I had asked a woman if she had anything on under her skirt, I’d be lucky to just get slapped. [insert more head shaking here]

The rest of the show was fun and I bought a mug – about all I could afford.

After dinner, ballet in the park. I wore my kilt again and before the show started, a woman asked if she could take my picture to send to her daughter in New York – to show that Akron was ‘hip’ (her term, not mine). I laughed and said sure. So, I’m on someone’s facebook wall somewhere. Which is much nicer than a threat of being groped.

The ballet was good – though the sound system was bad enough that they apologized. I was impressed with the dancers, quietly bemoaned my lack of flexibility – and realized that I’m good for about 1/2 a ballet. No matter how long it lasts, I’m ready to go at about the halfway mark. I guess it’s because I figure there’s some kind of story being told, but I have no idea what they are trying to communicate.

Maybe I need subtitles.

Today, Jim wanted to go to the Zoar historical town and take pictures of the gardens. Not really my thing, but I tagged along and tried to keep him from backing out into the street while trying to get the perfect shot. And… I overheated. Not quite to the ‘falling down in the shrubby stage’, but not doing great. We headed back the car when Jim was done, got me a cool drink at McDonald’s, then stopped over to see some friends on our way back to Akron. We couldn’t stay long – Jim’s puppies needed to go out – but it was nice to see them.

It poured down rain for the drive back and I white-knuckled it a couple times. That, plus the overheating and not fully recovering, sent me to some quiet time on the floor with the cat. I’m better now, but should have taken water with me.


Finally, a minor rant: to all the people that park on both sides of the street in Akron. Please reevaluate the choices in your life that have gotten you to this point. I’m getting a little tired of slaloming around you because you don’t understand how roads work. Thank you.