I went and bought three cans of spray paint recently at Home Depot. Used the self-checkout and got the first two scanned without incident. At the third, I was stopped and told to show my ID to the attendant – which I did and went on my way.

I checking on-line later to see if I could find the policy on this and it seems to be either an Anti-huffing measure or an Anti-vandalism measure. And by proving I was over 21, apparently they can trust me to not do either of those things. Really? We’re putting home depot in charge of that? Good thing I didn’t need to buy cold-medicine that day as well – I might have had to get my grump on.  More stupid rules that weren’t thought out and now we can’t get rid of them.


I had a dream that I was put in charge of producing a TV show for Taylor Swift. The premise was that “her rapid rise to stardom meant that she never finished high school and was going back to get her diploma”. We planned that she would play herself, but that the other characters wouldn’t realize it was her. Mostly live action with the occasional cartoon effects – Taylor would be super-smart, but too trusting. We were in the process of convincing her that having her ex-boyfriend guest star (Jake G -with a beard – as a history professor, John M as a music teacher, and Harry S as an exchange student) would be a good idea when I woke up.

Taylor’s people haven’t gotten back to me yet.


The jellyfish stings from vacation haven’t gone away. The one on my leg turned into an itchy welt and the one on my side has stayed a red mark that is now itchy.

Still not fatal – obviously.

Next time, I’m just going to take the hit and keep on going. I mean, I am a badass, right?


Today at work, I was headed down the hall to pick up a print-out from a printer and it occurred to me how much like a side quest this was from a video game.

A really boring video game.

Since I’m nearly always moving with some kind of purpose, I guess I’m on a lot of side quests.

Fetch this thing and deliver it.
Slay this problem.
Collect reward in the form of experience points or gold coins.

Level up?

I don’t seem to be doing that in discrete increments, but it otherwise holds up.

Got me thinking – what is my main quest?

What is my purpose?

And I just literally scratched my head just now.
