A couple of weeks ago, I managed to hurt my foot. The top of my foot, actually.  I was mystified how I did it – I mean, if it was the bottom of my foot that would be easy.  But it’s not like I walk around on the tops of my feet.  How would that even work?  And I didn’t drop anything on.
One of my co-workers suggested that I may have gotten a stress fracture from running.  And that I’m getting old.  Smart ass.
It only hurts when my shoes press against it or when, you know, I have feet.  So, all the time.  Not majorly, just enough to be annoying.  Last week, I wore my black crocs to work.  No one commented on them, but I thought that they looked enough like clown shoes that I should have just painted them red and been done with it.
It hasn’t slowed me down and it’s better today, but I think my running career is never going to get off the ground.
Yesterday afternoon, my neighbor and I worked on our shared brick driveway – clearing weeds with a pair of dueling trimmers.  He commented while we worked that he won an Akron Beautiful award for the work he’d done on his front yard.  I’m doing good if I can keep my yard mowed and I expect my “Participant” trophy should show up any day.
Since it was nice and cool this weekend, I had the windows open both upstairs and down.  Thunder(cat) loves days like that – he runs from room to room and window to window -tracking his prey.  I was coming downstairs and he charged past me with barely a glance on his way to the next window.  I interpreted that glance to mean, “Get out of the way, human!”
Later, I was sitting on the couch while his tail sliced through the air intently, his steely gaze on some unsuspecting bird outside.  I called his name to get his attention and he glared at me as if to say, “Shut. UP.”
And those of you that might say I am projecting – I would remind you that this is a cat we’re talking about and they are 98% attitude.  The other 2% may be poop.
At Donato’s yesterday, I was armed with a outlet cover and a screw-driver.
Which is pretty odd set of things to have with me – but this was very much on purpose.  One of the booths at this Donato’s has an open outlet box – I’m guessing it was a phone jack at one point based on the wires hanging out – and that has been open for as long as we’ve been going there.
It bothered me.
So much that after a previous visit, I went out and bought a blank cover and put that and a small screw-driver in my car.    So I’d be ready.
On this visit, I waited until the pizza had been ordered and the drinks brought over.  As soon as the server left, I had the cover out and the screwdriver at the ready.  It felt like it took forever, but I guess only maybe a minute or two passed.  By the time the server came back with pizza, the deed had been done and the outlet box was safely covered.
I suppose I could have just reported it to a server and had the manager repair it – but where’s the fun in that?    Instead, I created a mystery.  When someone that works there finally notices it, no one is going to have any idea who did it.
Just call it reverse vandalism.