So, last Saturday was a trip to IKEA, but before we could get there, we had to pay some tolls. It cost $7.75 to get across the various toll roads from here to IKEA – and $5.25 was apparently just to get in the state. Really, Pennsylvania? Is that how you want to roll? Also, your roads are not that great. Really was expecting a car wash and maybe a hot chocolate chip cookie for all that, but we got nothing.

IKEA, though, was worth the trip. Really fun and interesting store with a neat design and cool vibe. And some of the happiest food service workers I’ve ever seen in the cafeteria – where, of course, I got some Swedish meatballs for lunch. They were excellent, but they also “repeated” on me later in the day. Best part? I managed to resist the impulse buys and got out of there having spent only $30.00 Which is kind of amazing.

Sunday was a birthday party and the birthday girl got an easy bake oven. Which is really not well named – there were 5 adults working on that with her (including me) and we still struggled. The small portions of the finished product were delicious – but amazingly messy. I helped with the wrap up of the project and narrowly avoided several chocolate disasters.

Her little brother is a minecraft fanatic and since I’m the only one around that speaks minecraft fluently, he drew some pictures for me. The coolest ones I scanned and uploaded – all of them are now on my fridge. Pretty impressive – especially since he’s only in kindergarten.

This week has been more swimming in a very crowded pool. On Tuesday, I got to the pool and found only one lane that only had one person in it – the rest were full. I tried to get the guy’s attention – he was doing the backstroke – but he wouldn’t acknowledge me. It finally looked like he saw me and moved over to one side so I got in.

Mistake. He hadn’t seen me, refused to see me, and was all over the lane. I dodged him for three laps – then got out, disgusted. By that point, another lane on the other side of the pool opened up so I went there. After swimming a bit, the lifeguard asked me to move back since they were short on people. I did and luckily got a lane next to Captain Un-Observant. I always pay attention – especially so when the pool is busy – and I always make it a point to share. It wasn’t a great swim, but I got the laps done and that’s all that matters.

Tonight has been a pretty productive evening. Took out the trash, cleaned out the recycle bin and litter box, worked on a christmas project, replaced the liscense plates on my car, had some dinner, and… well… updated my blog. Got a little more to do around the house, then an early bedtime for me.

Wait… where’s my cat?


It always works…  🙂