I had a long day at work yesterday. It was the regular 8 hours, but it felt much longer – even for a Monday. I hit the pool and struggled through my slow laps, then home and video games for a bit – then out to dinner. I was listless through the meal and even the hot sauce couldn’t get me moving.
I wanted to watch the first episode of season 2 of American Horror Story Asylum, but before I did that I needed to lay down for a bit.
And I almost napped.
Which would surprise my Mom. Apparently, I gave up on naps at a much younger age than she would have liked. She had to settle for “books naps” were I would sit quietly in my room and read while she did, ummmm, whatever it was that she did. How should I know? I was in my room.
Anyway, I don’t sleep during the day unless I’m really sick. There’s usually a migraine or some hearty vomiting involved – or both – but this time I was just really tired.
I didn’t sleep, but just the quiet got me settled down and I felt better. AHSA was good but not as scary as the first season’s first episode. No nightmares last night, just a kitty that purred like a jet engine revving up. Seriously, Thunder(cat), could you take a down a notch? You’re going to hurt yourself.
And back to work today. Not sure what happened yesterday – can a person have mono for a day?
It was weird.