Wednesday morning was another ocean swim, though it was so rough I started to get sick. I took a break and swam again later once the waters were calmer. Also got a slight sunburn on my nose, checks, and forehead – but some aloe took care of that. The group went to Outback that evening for dinner and got the Blooming Onion. Which prompted a discussion on why I think they are evil – to the amusement of the crew as they dove into it.
After dinner was a trip to Barnes and Noble and a walk on the beach in the almost full moonlight.
Thursday morning the smell of peppers and onions woke me up. Really? People not only eat the stuff – they eat it for breakfast? I had my breakfast outside and beat a hasty retreat to the ocean. A pretty quiet day of swimming, getting some sun, and enjoying the pool. Dinner was at the Mellow Mushroom. Oh, and I bought a hat.
Friday was mostly by the pool – and my Zips towel caught the eye of a UA Alumni. We talked football for a few minutes before he headed off with his family and I got back in the water. I would said it was an odd coincidence except for all the people that were there from Ohio. Which was everyone.
Saturday morning we were up early to drive home. We said good bye to the beach and headed out. And it was a terrible drive. Traffic accidents, construction, detours, rain, wind, intense fog. And a little game I like to call “wild GPS chase” where we put in a destination and it leads us though the least direct route. Fun.
I was wiped out when I got home, but it was great to see Thunder(cat) again. He was purring like crazy and didn’t even draw any blood – must have been happy to see me too.
I went through and cleared out some of my work email today. Time to put away the shorts and get out the jeans again in chilly Ohio.
It was a good vacation and I’m glad I was able to get away. Next time, though, I’m hoping I can fly.