Don’t let any of us tell you differently – sometimes geek need tech support too. When I got my new computer, I had a trial version of some anti-virus software included. It promptly expired. However, I was already being billed for another anti-virus application from that same company from a previous install – but couldn’t remember the old ID/password. So, I needed to get the two accounts updated and merged. I fired off an email to company, responded to their reply, and then at their suggestion picked up the phone and called.

With dread. I mean, I do tech support all the time and there’s an art to it. I’ve also known plenty of people that do support and are terrible at it. Terrible.

I got through the prompts and got connected to a human. His name was Sam and he had a very strong accent. Guessing he wasn’t based in Ohio.

And he was awesome. Efficient, friendly, helpful and patient. Once I explained to him what I was trying to do, he had the account switched over in moments. Then he offered to switch me over to another tech to help get the old version removed and the new one installed. I could have done that install myself, but I figured “toll free call” and went along with it.

The next guy was Anu – same heavy accent. And also awesome. He even taught me a new trick with using Windows 8 that I now use all the time. He was patient while the new version downloaded and installed.

In short order, I was back up and running with a new installation of the anti-virus. The only complaint I had was the ticket number system. Despite detailed notes I added to the ticket(s) they used, neither guy read them at all and I might as well have been starting from scratch.

Still, an overall great tech support experience.
In other news…

I’ve always been a picky and stubborn eater. I like the things I like – usually the blander the better – and that’s pretty much it.

But as I’ve gotten older I’ve been trying new things. Started with wasabi – which is some dang good stuff. I’ve even been known to put that on cookies.  Don’t you judge me, you don’t know me!

And I’ve found I like some varieties of hot sauce. And Mexican rice. And the combination of those two is excellent. It burns, but it burns so good.  I tend to get carried away with the combination.

I also like buffalo sauce – though I suspect there are no actual buffalo involved.

But I still don’t like mustard – though I recently tried it on some pretzels.

And I don’t like peppers – though I tried one recently at my Dad’s suggestion. I got it down, but I was belching green pepper for hours afterwards. Horrible.

And onions. The most despised flavor of all. Not only are they bad, the flavor lingers on for hours and hours. Not fair to other flavors.

I avoid them whenever possible, but people still like to sneak them in. Like in green beans. What kind of a jerk-bag spoils perfectly good green beans with onions? I guess I answered my own question there – a jerk-bag.

What’s next? Maybe I need to give hummus another go…