I recently opened a tumblr account – you can find it here:
Mostly going to be art projects I’ve done or had a hand in. I may eventually clean up my website and move some of those photos over, but this will do for now. If I’ve set it up right, anything new there should also show up on facebook.
And I’ve been busier on twitter recently.
Each tweet is a haiku – which is tougher than it sounds – and I’ve apparently inspired other haiku writers. I like the challenge and the inherent simplicity in each one. Those too are showing up on facebook – weird how I’m not really that social in “real” life, but I’m doing okay on line.
Today, after my swim, I came home and mowed and trimmed the yard. Then I came in and brushed Thunder(cat) while dinner was cooking. (and by cooking, I mean boiling water for pasta). This evening, after my shower, I shaved my beard and I’m considering a little manscaping. Seems like a trend for the evening. Hey, sometimes a guy just wants to be a little tidy, you know?
Too much info?
Anyway, back to a safer topic. A new computer! I finally made my decision and ordered a new Dell from Best Buy. It should be here in about a week – well, at the store where I can pick it up – and I should be able to use my existing big-ass monitor. It’ll take me a bit to de-crapify all the pre-installed junkware – including the “free” trial of Microsoft Office. No thanks, I’m a Google man when given a choice. Then, Minecraft and Diablo 3. I may never leave the house again.
In other news… Time Warner Cable has been desperately trying to get a hold of me. They’ve called every day for about a week and when I answer, there’s a beep and a click and then the call drops. Finally, they got through to me last night on my way to dinner and told me they would call me back.
They called today and I picked up just to get it over with. The guy did his speech and then told me they were offering home phone service and when would I like to have this installed next week? I told him I was fine with my cell phone only and didn’t need it – he then went on to explain about how the 911 was so awesome and it was a great back up. And when would I like schedule the installation appointment next week?
My dander got all riled up I told him that it didn’t make sense to pressure me for an appointment when I hadn’t agreed to the phone service – and that I wouldn’t be agreeing to it since I had already told him I didn’t need it or the pointless expense and wasn’t interested.
I tried not to take it out on him. Not his fault – he’s got a script and I’m guessing a really aggressive supervisor. Makes me wonder if the people that create the scripts ever end up on the receiving end.
Anyway, we ended the call and I went back to work. He had to know it wasn’t going to work – he called me on a cell phone and if I really needed a home phone I would already have it. Annoying.
Finally, got some disconcerting news at work recently. A few of my colleagues have been “non-renewed” out of their contracts as part of a work-force reduction. It was one thing when the numbers dropped from retirement, but another when it’s from the other side and not voluntary. My classification and position make me “safer”, but it’s kind of a turning point for us.
So, one more day of work from what has felt like the longest week on record. Time to wrap this up and head for bed.