I was in a cranky mood yesterday as my day finished up and I was dreading the pool. And of course, there were only two lanes for lap swimming. I was upset with myself while I was swimming because I found myself trying to rationalize my way out of my full swim. And upset because I wasn’t doing a good job at rationalizing. I got joined by a woman who wanted to share the lane and my mood suddenly improved. I was forced to share and cooperate and it’s tough to go wrong when your afternoon suddenly turns into an episode of sesame street. We were soon joined by a third person and the complexities of keeping the three of us from running into each other scrubbed away the rest of my bad mood. I finished my mile and had a slight jaunt to my step as I made my way back to my car.

Last evening, I finished up the game Dishonored. I played the “low chaos” track – which is tough to do when your character is an assassin  – and though I enjoyed the game I thought the ending was weak. I’m going play through it again as a “high chaos” character and see just how much damage I can do.

Recently, I bought my cat a container of cat grass. It sprouted and last night it was tall enough for him to eat. Thunder(cat) was a little unsure at first, but then he tore into that like it was the best thing ever. I’ve got a strict “no-nip” policy in my house, but the grass seems okay.

In the news recently was word that the City of Akron has been the victim of a cyber-attack. I called the number today and couldn’t get through to check to see if I would be affected. I saw on their website that they were having a city attorney at a few locations around town to provide the list of names and answer questions. The hours weren’t exactly convenient – 10 am to 3 pm – but I made some time at lunch to go there and wait in line. It finally got to my turn and my name wasn’t on the list. I considered showing the attorney how to search more quickly through the list – but decided the attorney vs. geek battle needed a few checks and balances. So, relieved, I headed back to work – though I feel really bad for the 5,000+ other names that were on that list.

After work, swim again. When I was done and nearly dressed, I stopped before I put on my socks. I spent a couple seconds – which, for an android, is nearly an eternity – trying to decide if I really needed to put my shoes and socks on. It was a beautiful day, the campus was nearly empty, and the idea of barefeet just seemed right. So, I tucked my socks in my shoes and walked nearly the length of the campus barefoot; carrying my shoes. Not the most professional thing to do – even if I didn’t go in any buildings – but also not the weirdest thing I’ve seen on campus.

Finally, the last of the balloons from my birthday back in January are starting to fade out. There were two blue ones that hung on longer than any others, but they have started to drift and one even tried to sneak outside. I’ll deflate these the rest of the way soon and most likely save them – it was one of the best birthdays I’ve had in a long time.