I went to visit my folks for Father’s day this past weekend and on Saturday we got up early and went to the Columbus Zoo.  We got there a little before 9:00 AM and spent about 5 hours total walking around the zoo with only a short break for lunch.  We were all pretty worn out by the time we were done – except for my niece who rode around in a wagon most of the time and appears to be nuclear powered based on the amount of energy she had.

My favorite animals were the otters and luckily there were two otter exhibits.  Little fellers always look like they are having such fun.   The flamingos were neat and the polar bear exhibit was really cool – you could go to an underwater viewing area and see the bear swim over you.    It was good weather to be at the zoo, but I don’t think I drank enough water.

When we got back to my parents place, I think everyone was ready for a nap – except for my niece who was still going a mile a minute.   I think my sister was the worst off physically – she’s very pregnant and all the walking was doing a number on her hips.

We had dinner and hung out for a bit before my sister and her family had to leave.  I stayed the night and hung out with my parents on Sunday when they got back from church.     I left for Akron that afternoon and drove through pounding rain the entire way back.  The rain doesn’t really bother me – but trying to keep track of all the crazy people on the road was the real challenge.

I got back safely and then had Chipotle for dinner – then home and video games until it was time to go to bed.  Back at work today and wishing I could stretch out the weekend just a little bit longer.