I had a busy memorial day weekend. On Saturday, my parents came up for a visit and we checked out my yardwork and went for 2.5 mile hike. Dad suggested we go to the Akron Zoo so we did that for about an hour and half. They didn’t stay long, but it was a nice visit. After they left, I went over to a friend’s house for a bit. They were having a cook-out, but since I had already eaten I skipped ahead to the dessert. Which worked out pretty well since I had also already had dessert.
On Sunday, I headed up to half-priced books and then went around town to garden centers with another friend. I didn’t buy anything and ended up getting sick. Not sure if it was allergies, a cold, the heat, something I ate, or all of the above, but I was not doing well. I got home, stripped down to my boxers, and crashed on the floor directly under the ceiling fan until I felt better.
On Monday, I went to a pool party. Pretty cool crowd and a nice pool. It was nice to be underwater and not being focused on doing laps. Plus, the kids that were there thought I was great since I easily functioned as a jungle gym and I didn’t mind being shoved underwater – or stepped on. It started to thunder so we all headed in and I got out some paper. Felt a little like the Pied Piper – the kids were entranced and several people remarked that this was the most focused they had ever seen them. I was a little relieved when it was time to go – as fun as it was, my hands got tired.
Tuesday and back to work. Busy day, crazy meetings – and when I finally got in my car, it wouldn’t start. I had left my lights on. I bemoaned my fate for a moment – then went back in the office. As luck would have it, my boss was still there and was getting ready to leave. He drove over to my car and we got it jumped. Once it was going, I decided to drive around to charge the battery and made my way to a McDonalds and the drive through. On my way home, the sky opened up into a downpour and as I’m driving along I’m wondering just how much water I’m going to have in my house from the open windows on the second floor. The rain let up as I pulled in my drive and I found that there was no water in my house at all – the wind must have been in my favor.
I got up early this morning and had an almost leisurely start to my day. Nice, but I doubt I can do that again with any certainty or regularity. So, back into work mode for a short week.