thunder(cat) goes to the ER

Thunder and I had a nice long weekend and he kept me company as I did a little house cleaning and worked on some projects. He enjoyed the open windows and spent a lot of time running around and jumping on things to see out at various heights.

On Tuesday morning, however, he didn’t see me off when I headed off to work. And when I got home, he didn’t greet me at the door. Not even a hearty “Thunder Cat!  Hoooooo!” would summon him.  I finally found him in my room laying on my bed and he just sort of regarded me instead of being happy to see me.

As the evening wore on, I realized he hadn’t eaten any food that day and wasn’t doing any running around. He would walk carefully and slowly to a spot and then lay there. He was being really lazy – even for a cat. When I saw him hesitate to jump up on the couch, I got worried. I kept an eye on him and he didn’t improve. When I went to bed, he lay on the landing of the stairs and stayed there all night. I checked on him a few times in the night and by morning I was convinced he needed to go to the vet.

I stayed home from work and waited with him for the vet’s office to open up. Except, they were booked up all day. So, I called an Emergency Vet and made plans to take him in.

He didn’t want to use the litter box before he left, but eventually did. And he really didn’t want to get in the carrier, but I eventually wore him down.

He yowled the entire car ride. Like a freaking banshee in the backseat – the little dude really hates car rides. I mean, a lot.

We got to the ER, got him checked in and I filled out some of the dumbest paperwork I’ve ever seen.

And then I waited while they checked him over.

Then they took me to another room and I waited some more.

All the while, I’m pouring out so much worry it might as well have been a physical manifestation. Like I could have sent eddies of it drifting away if I moved my arm.

Finally, the vet came in and gave me the news.

Thunder has a high fever and it’s making him miserable. Hence the not eating or jumping. They wanted to do some bloodwork and put him on an IV – and keep him overnight.

The vet said he was the sweetest cat and they had trouble listening to his heart because he purrs so loud.

The brought him in so I could see him before I left and I just rested my hands on him and petted him gently.

He was purring for me and just seemed… so tired.

I left him in good hands, put down the deposit on his treatment, and headed into work.

I teared up a bit in the parking lot, though. Not afraid to say it. He’s my LFB – Little Furry Buddy – and I worry about him and already miss our occasionally violent co-dependent relationship.

I’ll check in with them later today and see how he’s doing. And hopefully bring him home tomorrow – healthy and back to his regular self.


hidden dragon, anxiety, princess brittney


dangerous love, small tasks, destiny calls

1 Comment

  1. Sandra

    Awwwww. Thundercat is lucky to have you for his human & you are lucky to have Thundercat.

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