I read a book a number of years ago by David Brin called, simply, Earth. It was a somewhat heavy-handed future environmental focused sci-fi novel that had some good moments, but sort of stumbled at the end. Not that memorable, but for one quote:
"There may someday come an end to the need for war, but there will always be a need for heroes"
The need for war – interesting. Recognizes that – at least at this point in our civilization – sometimes conflict is necessary. If a person or culture is being oppressed, then sometimes conflict and war is an effective solution.
And if we ever somehow get past that need for conflict and war to free people and cultures from oppression, there still needs to be heroes to save us from ourselves.
Seems fitting to think about on Veteran’s Day – and the week where we elected a new leader that has been disrespectful of veterans and their families.
I didn’t serve in the armed forces – my path took me a different way – but I have family and friends that served. And they are in my thoughts today.
Our country has been at conflict with itself for a very long time. The latest changes to our leadership didn’t start this cultural conflict – though they did make it much more visible. On one side; treating everyone decently, respectfully, and equally. On the other; racism, misogyny, and xenophobia.
And I’m less worried about the leaders than those at the periphery who now feel vindicated in their frankly terrible ideas.
It’s not war, but it is conflict. And while the folks at the front line aren’t soldiers, perhaps they can still be heroes. We need a little triumph of good, a little rescuing from oppression, and maybe a little sacrifice if we’re to change the way america treats itself.
So, today, we recognize our veterans and the sacrifices they made on our behalf . And hopefully recognize that what they fight for – freedom – means freedom for everyone.
Thank you to my friends and family that have served and continue to serve.
I hope we can make you proud.