I’m a fan of quantum mechanics and though the math is beyond me, I really like the idea that things in the universe are deeply weird.
One of my favorite parts is the idea of quantum entanglement or Spooky Action at a Distance. To sum it up, the idea is that if two particles are allowed to interact and then separated, they still behave as if they are connected or part of one system. What happens to one instantaneously affects the other – no matter the distance. They are still – in some way that can’t be explained yet – connected.
A pretty neat idea and one that bothered Einstein greatly because it would allow information to travel at faster than light speeds. I think it’s a neat analogy for the connections that people have too. Once someone is in your life – even briefly – they are still connected to you.
Anyway, I had a dream that someone had invented a gun that shot bullets that had quantum entangled particles in them. The first bullet shot had one of a set of two particles and the second would be the other of the set. In the dream, I saw someone get shot with one of these bullets and the attacker immediately fired another shot at another person. Neither of the wounds were serious – I mean, they got shot so it was serious, but not immediately life threatening.
Instead of the particles just interacting in the same way, the people that got shot by these bullets were draw towards each other at a quantum level. They fought against it but were pulled together and merged into one being – arms and legs thrashing around sort of like co-joined twins. But maybe more like two people that had been shoved through each other.
I had barely a moment to register this when I got shot in the shoulder. The attacker turned and fired another shot at someone near me and instead of fighting against it, I rushed towards my quantum entangled partner. I embraced them as tightly as I could and they did the same to me. Instead of a halfway merged mess, we instead turned into one complete person – though half again as tall and more structurally dense. We/I were now one person – albeit with two bullets in me/us. Before I/We could confront the shooter, I woke up.
Welcome to the inside of my head.