On Friday, I took a slightly longer lunch (I stayed late to make up for it) and hit the pool. Despite the constant Irish folk music over the loudspeakers, I still managed to push through and do a mile. This is the first time I’ve done this since I broke my arm and while it took me a while, I was really pleased that I could still go that far. I’m not fast enough to do that every day in my lunch hour, but I’ll get there.  Oh, and apparently the Head Guard gets to pick the music and he wasn’t quite done with St. Patrick’s day.

Yesterday was an evening of games with friends. We played Zombie Fluxx and Love Letter – both simple games to learn, but deep with nuance. I like a game that requires a little brain power. We had pizza, played with the kids, and laughed the whole evening. I count myself lucky to have such good friends who “get me” – which is a rare and wonderful thing. 🙂

This afternoon, I headed over to Best Buy to donate blood. Another double red donation – and it went like clockwork. Very easy and a very quick recovery. I had some cookies and juice and I was on my way. I’m glad I’m healthy enough to donate and that I can do some good. And I’ve got O-, which makes my donation even more useful.

Tomorrow, I get fitted for my rental brace. It’s supposed to help straighten out my arm and also flex it further – in two separate, 1/2 hour sessions per day. Not looking forward to it – or the time it will take. It’s basically just a specifically shaped crank – and this is as high tech as it gets. Sigh. Sometimes science is disappointing.

Finally, a book recommendation… I just re-read Stephen King’s Insomnia. Really excellent book and the ending is some of the finest writing I’ve ever read.

Time for another round of stretching out my arm – not sure if I’ll need to keep this up when I get the brace – and then off to bed. Long day tomorrow, I think. Hoping for some sunshine…