
The nerve block wore off the day after the surgery and I had a melt-down. I was hurting worse than when I first fell. The meds finally kicked in and I got a little sleep.


On Christmas, we visited Jim’s family for a bit and while it was fun, it kinda wore me out. I showed pictures of the x-rays and everyone was suitability impressed.


That weekend, my parents came up for the day and we did a little shopping – mostly to get me out of the house. I was getting on a more regular schedule, but the decreased appetite and disrupted sleep were wearing on me. It was good that my folks visited, I think they had a nice time and I did too. While they were there, I helped update their laptop and Garmin – and they helped me put in a new shower head.


New Year’s Eve I got the splint removed and the doctor said I was healing well. Of course, I had another series of painful x-rays before he came up with that, but it was good news. They put a sleeve over it and told me to come back in a week to get the stitches removed. I visited some friends that evening to drop off some pre-made origami for a project, then called it an early night.


Got the stitches removed and it was dang weird. Never had stitches before and the removal was unpleasant. Not really painful – though I had healed enough they were tricky to remove – but it felt strange. And really? String? We aren’t more high-tech than that? Sigh.

I’ve got another appointment in 6 weeks for a follow up, but for now I’m just trying to get some range of motion back while I wait for the green light to return to work.

It’s been an odd and painful adventure and I kinda learned a bit about myself. Mostly that I’m tougher than I thought in the short term, but not so tough over time.