
Saturday was the day that my family was going to celebrate Christmas and Jim graciously drove me to my parent’s house that morning. We had a nice time, though I wasn’t as engaged as I would have liked. On Sunday, he drove me back and I rested much of the day in anticipation to returning to work on Monday. I wasn’t getting much sleep at this point – the pain meds weren’t working as expected – but Jim was looking after me so that was okay.


Back to work for a 1/2 day, then drove to my doctor appointment in the afternoon. He recommended surgery – the next day – and there was a small mountain of paperwork to do. I was as prepared as I could have been for that, but I did have to sign a lot of forms. Had dinner with friends that evening and arranged for a ride to the surgery center the next day. Little things, like trying to use a pepper grinder, were too much for me to handle – and it was starting to get to me.


Another 1/2 day of work as I tried to wrap up projects. I headed home, got changed, and got taken to the surgery center.

There was more paperwork, dozens of questions, and a complicated process of trying to get into the hospital gown. The anesthesiologist stopped by and asked if I wanted a general or a block plus a ‘twilight’ sleep. I asked if I would sparkle with the twilight and he said yes – so I went that route. He lied.

The block was dang weird. The used an ultrasound to guide a needle into my shoulder/neck and in a little while my arm and hand had no sensation. It was like some one else’s hand.

The surgeon was delayed and I rocked some minor mood swings – then dozed a bit until it was time to actually get started. They got me to operating room, transferred me to the bed in the most cumbersome way possible, and added something to the IV.

I woke up later – mostly out of it, but apparently chatty and kinda funny. My friend who works at the surgery center drove me home and then went and got my prescription while Jim helped me get settled.