bmv, pasta, card, wrapping

I left work at 4:00 yesterday – my usual time since I get in early in the morning.  By 4:17, I was walking OUT of the BMV with a new driver’s license and a renewed registration.
Which, I know, seems impossible.  But, I picked the right time of the day, the right location, stood in the right line, and all my paperwork was  – as they say – in order.  I made it a point to thank the clerk and let her know I was impressed at how quickly the process went.
By 4:22, I was leaving the post office, having bought stamps.  That was sort of cheating – it was right across the street and I went to the kiosk.   But, the machine didn’t drop the stamps in the tray properly and I had to risk life and at least one limb to reach up in the guts of the machine to fish out my stamps.  So, you know, that was edgy.
Anyway, two bureaucracies conquered in 22 minutes.  Not too shabby.
Ate dinner at Fazoli’s last night.  I wasn’t feeling great but I was hungry and tried something new – a smaller pasta dish with chicken, mushrooms, and broccoli .  And it was amazing.  Maybe the best pasta dish I’ve ever eaten.  Sorry, mom.  As I was mopping up the last of the sauce (yes, me.  I enjoyed sauce on a food item.  I KNOW! I can’t believe it either), I stopped one of the managers and said that dinner was awesome and that her crew did a great job on the meal.  Credit where credit is due.
After a little bit of holiday shopping, I got home and saw I’d gotten a text message from my uncle.
A while back when my cousin was entering the military, I had sent a going away/good-luck card to him.  If memory serves, I said something like:
“Good luck. Learn stuff. Kick ass. Take names. Be great.   And if you run into trouble, tap the card – I’ve already covered the mana.”
And I included a Magic the Gathering Merfolk card since he’s going into the Navy.  He was into collectible card games for a while and I thought it was appropriate.
Fast forward to now and my cousin has graduated from his initial training and is headed to Florida for more schooling in the Navy.  He’s doing well and my uncle was texting to tell me that my cousin had specifically asked for my card to be sent along to where he was going to be stationed next.
Considering that he’s going to be really limited in what he can take with him, I was honored that my card was something that mattered.  I told my uncle so and thanked him for letting me know.  We chatted a bit and I told him that I have distinct memories of my cousin as a baby and then “suddenly”, he’s an adult. My uncle agreed and said he remembered me as a baby in the same way.
I told him that since I’m going to be 42 in a month, that just makes him old.  He LOL’d and said he was feeling it.
I did a little Christmas present wrapping last night.  People in the past have commented that I’m a little sloppy when it comes to wrapping presents – assuming that since I can fold paper, I would be “amazing”.
However, since the wrapping on a present is intended to temporarily conceal the contents of the package and is to be destroyed, I don’t really see the point in spending a lot of time on the wrapping.  Especially for presents for kids.
I’ve still got a few things on order that haven’t come in yet, but I think I’m caught up on most of it.  Gotta check my list, twice (naturally), and see if I’m missing anything.
Although, I don’t know if I really need to hurry.  Clearly, my Master of Space and Time powers seem to be growing – in addition to the adventures yesterday, I managed to drive to another city and get my hair cut in 26 minutes today.  I supposed I could wait until Christmas eve and wrap things up in plenty of time.
Or maybe I won’t chance it. 🙂


purple line, visit, bite


snake oil, taylor swift, walkers

1 Comment

  1. Stef

    What did you get me ??

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