Last night, Thunder(cat) was hanging out by the fireplace when he suddenly lunged upwards and knocked something off the bricks. It was a spider.
The size of a Buick.
He knocked it to the floor and batted it around for a bit. I called out,
“Thunder! Keep him busy!”
I went to the kitchen to get a glass and a pad of paper. Thunder was still working him over when I got back and I captured the spider between the cup and pad – then took it outside.
I don’t really mind spiders – but I already have one dangerous room-mate.
Later that evening, I came upon the cat staring up at the ceiling on the second floor landing. I looked up and saw a housefly on the light. I reached up and knocked it off and then – because it was disoriented – managed to hit it in midair and knock it down into Thunder’s range. He happily chased it downstairs and I’m guessing he played with it to death.
So, between the two of us, we’re pretty fierce and mighty hunters. Woe be it to any spiders or bugs that invade our fortress.
Over the weekend, I went to Bahama Breeze for dinner. We made the mistake of – after having waited the suggested time – asking how much longer it would be. We got seated right away.
At the most distant and obscure corner of the restaurant. Right next to the emergency exit.
And the steel drum band.
Well, the steel drum player – there was just the one of him.
And I remembered that I like steel drum music – except I can only handle one song at a time and then I need at least 7 months to get the song from the little mermaid out of my head.
It’s kinda like the bagpipes. One song and you’re all like “wow, that’s haunting and amazing”. At the second, it’s all, “please stop hurting that cat and also stop forever,”
I’m the same way about candy corn (one kernel per year) and circus peanuts (one per 5 year cycle)
Come to think of it, I’m overdue for a circus peanut.
Anyway, the music was terrible in quantity, but the food was excellent. I had the jerk chicken. And yes, that’s redundant – all chickens are jerks.
A few months ago, my garage door started to act funny. It would either go down and then right back up – or it wouldn’t move at all. It would just sit there and buzz at me.
Not a big deal during the summer, but when the first bit of frost showed up on the ground I knew I needed to take action. I did not want to be manually opening and closing my garage door like some neanderthal.
If, you know, a neanderthal drove a Civic.
My neighbor suggested a local company that had worked on his door a few years ago and I called and had the guy come over today. I took a little time off work and met him at my house and he figured out the problem and fixed it – plus replaced a couple of parts and tightened up everything. He was done in about 40 minutes and only charged me $65.
I was expecting to have one of my arms and perhaps a leg removed to pay for it – and I would have been fine with that (if I could pick which ones), so I was pleasantly surprised.
I’m feeling like a modern man again with doors that open at the push of a button.
Yep – I’m George Freaking Jetson.
When are you going to start writing that novel??? You are truly a brilliant writer!