One thing I forgot to mention from my most recent blood donation: Iron. One of the tests they do is to check to make sure you have enough iron in your blood – this is done with a finger stick and a machine. The tech said that if my iron wasn’t high enough for a double red, I might still be able to do a single donation. We needn’t have worried – my level was 18.6 And the machine only reads up to 19 – beyond that, it just errors out.

Apparently, I’m Iron Man. Who knew? Guys usually have higher levels than women do and I’ve been inadvertently eating more iron rich foods (dark green veggies, black beans, and chick peas). I was also over due to donate blood, so all that together means I nearly broke the machine.

Dang it. I totally should have checked to see if magnets would stick to me. That would have been really handy.

In swimming news…

I already posted this to facebook, but it’s not official until I blog about it too. I hit 200 miles in the pool for the year today. Well, I guess the official bit was when I updated my log – but the blog is important too.

I wasn’t especially fast today and I only did a few flip turns and 1/2 lap of butterfly. And it’s not exactly olympic caliber – but still, not bad for a 40 year old. Or rather, a 40 11/12 year old. 🙂

Back to the pool again tommorrow, but no new goals for the year. Just going to keep going and see how I do.

So, I leave you this evening with a musical selection from Dessa, “Skeleton Key“.  Enjoy.