I’ve discovered, much to my surprise, that I really like buffalo chicken. I’ve never been one for much sauce, but I tried this recently and found I really liked it.

I was eating out a restaurant that had this on the menu – and one of my dinner companions had asked for extra lemons for their tea.

Hmmm… buffalo chicken is good. And lemon chicken is also good.

Seizing the moment – and the lemon – I added to the sandwich.

And it was AWESOME!

I don’t know if I just invented something new, but you need to stop whatever you are doing and go get a buffalo chicken sandwich and add some lemon to it.
In other news…

Recently, the phrase came up: “like trying to herd cats”. Which, from experience of trying to herd one cat, is difficult.

Unless you use a laser pointer. Thunder(cat) would follow a laser dot off the edge of a cliff or out an airlock into deep space. It is his purpose in life, his holy grail, his deep, universal, meaning.

While it would still be chaotic due to the nature of cats, I think you could effectively “herd” them with a laser dot.

And I think this translates to humans as well, though instead of lasers one needs to find something that encourages progress in direction towards a goal they want – that just so happens to be your goal as well.

Instead of a push, it’s a pull. The carrot, not the stick.

This is not as earth shattering as the buffalo lemon chicken…

(why are you still here? Go try it now!)

…since this is essentially the more evil parts of marketing – but it’s an interesting parallel.  And a solution to the Herding Cats problem.