So, two awesome dreams last night.

1. I was taking a final for a social studies test. Breezed through the multiple choice, realized that I hadn’t read the chapter that I needed for the essay – but it was open book so I figured I would just read it fast and go from there. Then I saw that the chapter in the book was written by The Bloggess herself – Jenny Lawson. Figuring I would want to really enjoy the chapter, I borrowed George’s truck (Thanks, George!) and went to Arby’s.

In the middle of the final.

I had just parked the truck and cracked open the chapter when a woman said I needed to move my truck since it was blocking the handicapped space. It really wasn’t – and she was walking around pretty good so I don’t think she really needed it – but I moved the truck anyway. As I did, I saw a house nearby – and realized that it matched a photo from Jenny’s book. I was right near The Bloggess’s house! I thought about stopping by and saying “hi”, but realized – even in the dream – that it would just freak her out since she’s got some self-admitted social anxiety issues. And I didn’t have any taxidermy animals with me to give her.

Next, I dreamed I was at work and came up with a solution to our website editing problem. I came up with a plan where we (And by “we”, I mean pretty much everyone other than me)  would write a module that would intercept database calls, provide the users with a new editing interface, and save the content to update the database overnight. It would be a hassle for the users, but it would speed up editing. I’m not sure exactly when I came up with this awesome and totally impractical idea, so I’m just going to see if I can get 8 hours of comp time.

You’re welcome, University of Akron. Even when I’m asleep, I’m still saving the day.