Last evening, went to dinner at Fazoli’s – a fast-ish food Italian restaurant. The food is pretty good, the price isn’t bad, and the service is good. I can expect pretty much the same thing each time I go there – but I was not expected the pirates at the counter. Not behind the counter; these were customers. Turns out there was a whole table of pirates, along with a table of surgeons and several girls wearing diapers on the outside of their shorts. All teenagers.

And oh, wow, were they loud? They were loud. Like a sonic wave from that section where they were all seated. It made normal conversation in the rest of the restaurant almost impossible. They eventually headed out in groups – except for the pirates. They left the same time we did and loaded up into a jeep. Never did figure out why they were in costume.

Speaking of costume, I made a little progress on my Halloween costume. My initial ideas weren’t going to work and I had to re-think the plans. The revised design – which I mentally worked on while swimming – should be more mobile and comfortable, though my vision may be limited.

Next, an update on Thunder(cat)’s behavior. I had postulated that he was smart enough to recognize polite requests and I believe I was in error.

Yesterday, I had the closet door open and he darted in. I went about my business and ignored him, then moved away from the open door. In a few minutes – without prompting – he wandered out and went down the hall. So, it’s not so much that he listened to me, rather, he was only going in the closet to get “up in my grill”. Once I stopped being near that area he got bored and left.

Still, a learning experience. Now if I could just figure out how to keep him off the internet.

Finally, last update on the flip turns in the pool. I did a flip turn at each lane end for each lap yesterday and while I’m not a master at them, I didn’t drown myself. I was also quite a bit faster as a result. So, no more updates on flip turns – I’ve got them essentially figured out and I’ll slowly get better over time. Today will be 157 miles.