You know how everyone has that one weird neighbor? It’s like there’s a quota or something – like having that one annoying co-worker.
On Monday after work, I did my swim and decided to mow the lawn and do a little trimming when I got home. The previous owners of my house were really into vines and the fences are covered with them – including grapes. And this year, I had a pretty good crop of them.
So, when I was done with the yard work I picked some grapes, removed the stems, and washed them. I ended up with enough to share and filled a small container for the neighbors that I share a driveway with.
I also took some to my neighbors on the other side of the house. These folks I don’t know so well – our schedules don’t mesh – but I’ve talked to them once and always wave when I see them. I went around to the front of their house (my side yard is next to their back yard), rang the doorbell, and waited. Their dog was tied to the porch support post and was on the porch – and was freaking out. The guy came to the door and I re-introduced myself and told him that there were grapes growing on both sides of the fence and I thought I’d share. He gave me an odd look, said thanks, and then proceeded to yell at the dog. I said goodbye and headed out.
I thought it was a nice gesture, but as I walked away I realized how completely random that was. I’ve only talked to him once and only once to his fiance – she had told me they thought I was a killer because I’m so quiet and they never saw me.
So, I guess I’m the weird neighbor – at least as far as they are concerned.