Saturday morning I drove down to visit my sister and her family for my youngest niece’s 1st birthday. It rained the entire drive down and the GPS sent me down a very thoroughly closed road, but I made it to their house okay. They had my folks and some friends over for dinner and a small party – the birthday girl really enjoyed her cupcake. I stayed the night with them and most of Sunday as well. The girls got a playset that could be filled with water and they both really enjoyed that. It was also an effective bribe to get the older to participate in the family photos that were being taken.

I stayed for pizza and then headed home. I’m not sure if it was the pizza or some bad chips, but my stomach and my head bothered me most of the way home. I stopped and got some unsweetened tea and that helped, though it would later bother me trying to sleep.

I got home, checked in, and paid a couple of bills before heading upstairs to bed.

And made a discovery.

Sometime over the weekend, Thunder(cat) had his own stomach issues. And threw up on the floor in the upstairs hallway. I got some rubber gloves and cleaned it up without too much trouble. Not a big deal, but I could have done without it.

Took my shower, shaved, and went to bed.

And kept waking up. Must have been 5-6 times – only once was a bathroom related necessity. Thunder(cat) wanted to snuggle so that helped. I’m guessing it was the caffeine right before bed that was the problem. I didn’t have trouble falling back asleep, it just didn’t last long.

I finally gave up around 5:30 and got up to go into work – with a stop at the post office on the way.

Good weekend, but going to be a long day.