I got the bathroom in the basement cleared and the floor dried. I’ll need to scrub it soon – the water left dirt behind – but it’s usable. The rest of the basement is nearly dry as well – I had left a fan and de-humidifier running last night down there. The basement is still a mess and I’ve got some re-configuring in mind in case I get more water down there, but things are approaching normal again. Chalk it up to a big ass storm; I was really lucky that it was just a little water.
The slugs have made a retreat as well. I only saw three this morning on the fence and the concrete – which means:
a). The rest left to continue with their own sluggy lives and sluggy business – and these few remaining were just behind schedule.
b). The rest are regrouping with these left behind as observers of my movements.
c). The rest are already in my house and hiding – waiting for the right moment to strike based on some kind of signal from these three.
I’m guessing C.
Also, I promise this is the last slug-related post – unless they make their move. One of my friends suggested that I might be a victim of a “slugeoning” at some point. I’m going to start carrying a packet of salt with me – just in case.