I’ve been fighting a bit of a headache today and though lunch outside – with actual sunlight and no computer screens – might do me some good. I paid my $8.00 for my $5.00 footlong sub and found what I thought would be a quiet spot outside on one of the balconies at the student union.

Except that every truck in the tri-county area decided to go in reverse at the same time. And stayed in reverse for the entire time I was outside. Or at least that’s what it seemed like. The beeping was incessant and put a damper on my really excellent sandwich. So, now I’m back at my desk in a still slightly cranky mood. At least I wasn’t at McDonald’s.  The beating from the friers has been know to drive my sister into a genocidal rage and it doesn’t do me any favors either.

Also, they are painting the inside walls and columns of the student union bright yellow. Really? Yes, really. Looks like a smiley face exploded.  What is wrong with people?

In funner news… Thunder(cat) and I have been having good times.

1. Yesterday, while we were sitting on the couch, he reached out a paw to me. I put my paw on top of his, then he pulled his paw out to place it on top of mine. We repeated this maybe 20 times before he decided he was done with the game – and ended it without the use of his claws.  Remarkable!

2. A few days ago, I leaned over and put my head against his side while he was sitting on the couch. After a few moments, he began to lick my head. I don’t know if it was just a nice gesture on his part (since I brush him) or if he thought I was – to quote the Ferengi – a “filthy hoo-man” and needed to be cleaned up. It hurt a little, but I let him go for a while since it seemed important to him. After a few minutes, I got up and went to put some hand sanitizer on my head. It was nice and all, but I know where that tongue has been.

3. I’ve seen him do the “tail lashing butt wiggle” before he pounces on something – usually a fragment of a leaf I’ve tracked in. While playing a video game recently, I looked over at him to see he was getting ready to pounce – and I was the target. He was halfway through his “butt wiggle” when we made eye contact and he quietly lowered himself to a seated position. Busted, Thunder(cat).

4. He loves to race in front of me and then flop down right in my path – then look up at me as if to say, “I don’t care if you step on me, I just love you so f*&$ing much and I want to be right here,”. And yes, I’m pretty sure my cat would swear if he could – I casually and usually good-naturedly swear at him all the time and he doesn’t seem to mind.

5. Finally, at least for now, is when he has been in some other part of the house and I call out “Thunder Cat, Hooooooooooo!” and he comes running. It’s pretty awesome and I always give him plenty of attention and sometimes a treat too. He always has a look on his face like “Where have you been!?! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

It’s almost time for the Weekly Wednesday Webteam meeting. I’m the only one that calls it that – even though it gives us a nice “WWW”. I’m reluctant to unleash the nano-probes into my colleagues brains to affect the behavior change, but I really don’t see a good alternative at this point. If they can’t get on-board with the name, I’m going to make them get on-Borg instead. Jeez, people, it’s funny – enjoy it.