I returned the incorrectly sized filter at Lowe’s, then went to the aisle to find a new one. They had plenty of the wrong size, but the spot where the correct size should be was empty. I went back to the service desk and they called for someone to meet me there. The clerk and I both looked at all the upper shelves and he checked the computer several times. It showed 29 in stock, but we couldn’t find any. As in zero of these giant boxes.  The clerk was mystified and I asked if could check the inventory of other stores. We found another store nearby that had 24 in stock and I was on my way – but not to the other Lowe’s. Instead, since I now had a better idea what I was looking for, I went to home depot and got the last one they had in stock.  Sorry, Lowe’s, you missed your chance.

Tons of other filters of all makes and models and the one I need is apparently tough to keep in stock. So, with the filter installed and the AC on, Thunder(cat) doesn’t seem to appreciate the work I did to keep him cool.

He did, however, volunteer to help me put some shelves together. His version of helping was to determine the exact next piece I would need and then mark it for my by laying on it and refusing to move. I think tapping it with his paw would have been more useful, but it’s his way. I got the shelve put together with no mistakes or having to undo and redo any steps. I thought it was funny that the instructions were only 7 steps. Step 1 was “insert the 4 smaller wooden dowels into bottom shelf A” and by the time we got to Step 5 there were 20 things I needed to do in that step. Really? Anyway, I got it done and set up and though it’s a little shorter than I expected, I think it will work well.

And from those shelves, I pulled out a pair of shorts to go to an outdoor party yesterday. The party was supposed to start at 4 and we were running late – and got there just as the sky opened up. It poured buckets and the lightning was amazing. I got out to get an umbrella from the trunk and was drenched instantly. On the short walk to the house, it started to hail. Everyone at the party was huddled under in the garage waiting for the storm to blow over – which it did soon enough – though I was already soaked to the skin. Fortunately, I had the foresight to put my phone in a plastic baggie and I left my wallet in my car. The party was fun, the food was good, and the company was friendly. Didn’t stay too late, but had a nice time.