My allergies are, I think, a real thing. But I can’t really say that with 100% certainty. I tried to do a small experiment to see if the prescription that my doctor gave me was really helping by taking the pills (labeled in a sinister manner as RX724) through the week, and skipping the weekend. I sneezed my brains out over the weekend, but I was also outside a lot more. Through the week, I’m indoors and partially underground with no windows.
And that, actually, is starting to get to me.
Just took my pill for the day and the idea that I have to be on drugs to just feel normal – or as close as I will ever get – really bothers me. Also, the walls here feel like they are closing in, but I suspect the meds are not related to that.
In other news… had a couple of odd instances with my GPS. I downloaded some new voices for the GPS since the preprogrammed ones were getting a little snippy with me. So, the GPS now has a voice labeled Jack and he’s been trying to help with my abysmal sense of direction. On one trip back to Akron, we changed the settings to Avoid Highways – in order to get past some construction on the roads. Jack didn’t like that, apparently. He took me and my passenger through some rough sections of Akron in order to prove that point – always keeping the highway in sight, but still avoiding it. It was almost comical if it hadn’t been so un-nerving. We got back to familiar ground and turned off the Avoid Highways setting.
Not long after that we were out in Lodi and off the beaten path. Rather than head back towards the highway, we set out in the general direction of home and fired up the GPS. Rather than take us back to the highway, Jack directed us to the middle of Nowhere and then on beyond Nowhere. We made it home, but I remain convinced that Jack was ticked that he keeps having to bail us out.
In video game news… I finished Dishonored with a high level of chaos. The first time through, I played Low Chaos. This involved sneaking around and trying not to kill people – including the main targets that were removed from power through other means. High Chaos is massively more violent and fun in it’s own way. The ending of the game played in High Chaos was disappointing – one final guy dispatched as easily as any other character and then… roll credits. Still a really fun game and maybe more fun than Bioshock Infinite – though the storyline is weaker.
Finally, an odd encounter at Chipotle. And I’m going to be as delicate as I can with this re-telling. There was a… full-figured… woman standing in front of us in line. She was wearing a top that was far too small for her and it was also cut far too low. Her breasts were mounding out the top of the nearly horizontal opening of her top and – because there was no musculature there to support them – the vertical mound that came out of her top moved independently of the rest of her body. Think jello balanced on, well, anything that moves randomly. The result is a whole lotta jiggle.
It was disturbing. And very difficult not to stare at. The thing that really struck me was that – at some point in the day – she put on this top and decided that it was what she was going to wear. It’s not like she could have failed to notice the problem.
I didn’t say anything to her as I was clearly not in her weight-class and planned on enjoying my burrito without a side of whoop-ass. Which I would have earned since there was nothing I could have said that wouldn’t have demanded swift and painful retribution.