Last Saturday, I headed south to visit my Mom for mother’s day. My sister and her family were there as well and Dad fixed chicken on the grill. We played some games, hung out with my nieces, and generally had a nice time. I made Mom a vase that my niece can fill with flowers/weeds. 🙂

On Sunday, I celebrated another mother’s day with another mother – though this time the plan was to go to Golden Coral. At 11:00am. On a Sunday. On Mother’s Day.

I was prepared for the worst, but we did okay. The food was pretty good and the crowds were intense but manageable. I ate too much, but it was worth it.  We also had an in-depth discussion on the merits of bacon.

After the buffet, I decided I needed to mow my yard. I started out with a jacket and a stocking cap, then it got too hot for the hat. Then too hot for the jacket. Then it got cold again. Then it freaking started to snow. Then rain. Then sunshine. All this while I was mowing – and I have a small yard.

The randomly cold weather has hit me hardest at night. I just can’t seem to get comfortable when I’m trying to sleep. Thunder(cat) has been trying to help in his way, but instead of keeping my feet warm, he prefers to, essentially, sleep on my crotch.

Now, I’m really on the fence about this. He’s really warm and the purring sounds really nice. And as he settles in, the purring settles down too and I know he’s comfortable.

But, he’s easily startled and he’s got some wicked claws that he’s not afraid to use. So, my crotch is maybe not the best place for him.

In other cat related news, I got him a small toy goose. In less than a day he had ripped open the back of the goose like a deranged avian spinal surgeon. I went ahead and removed the stuffing guts and he seems okay with that.

Finally, my neighbor. She’s got a really nice and well maintained house and a yard that she maintains with precision and grace. She’s also a fan of the color blue and she’s painted the shutters, garage door, lamps, etc. in a particular shade.

I saw some pink plastic flamingos in the store and decided to prank her immaculate yard. But before I did that, I spray painted them blue to match her house. So, it was still a prank – but a good-natured one.

I snuck over to her house around 11 at night, planted the newly blue flamingos in her yard, then snuck home. The next day, I waited for the reaction on facebook.


She had no idea it was me – totally random.  I confessed later that day and she gave me a hug and said it was great. She took them down to mow, but put them back up. We’ll see how long they last.

Oh, and in other random news, I shaved off my mustache. It was a nice experiment in facial hair, but it didn’t really work for me.   Nobody really liked it, I think – except for Mom.  🙂   There’s a photo on Facebook, if you’re interested.