I had a dentist’s appointment last Friday, so I had been extra diligent with my teeth and had been flossing like mad – hoping to avoid the lecture.  And the bleeding.

So, first off, X-rays.  Uncomfortable  – I almost gagged a couple times.

Then the cleaning.  The hygienist said I had good oral hygiene  but I bled like crazy when she was flossing me. I’ve heard you can swallow a pint of your own blood before getting sick – and I think I got pretty close.  Okay, well, maybe not that much blood – but it was still a lot and it was annoying.

Then the dentist came in and said that I was apparently grinding my teeth (news to me) and that I had a cavity (also news to me).  We talked about the TMJ I have and he said he had it too and had to give up chewing gum.  I made an appointment for after the first of the year to get it filled and went on my way – still tasting blood even after the cleaning.

Blasted with x-rays while I clenched plastic in my mouth.  Teeth scraped with a metal pick.  Waxed string dragged through my teeth.   X-rays aren’t “exactly” low tech, but still…