I was under the weather yesterday – stomachache and headache.  Just out of sorts and cranky all day- even snapped at some folks. I got home, worn out and tired, and saw that my modem lights were blinking – and not in a good way.

I suspected that it was my MAC address since the last sales person I talked to at TWC was vague on that.  So, I girded my loins again and called TWC.

And it wasn’t that bad.  I talked to a local guy, explained what I thought the problem was, and told him about my own diagnostic attempts.  He seemed to appreciate my skill level and we quickly got the correct address entered.  In short order, my Internet was back up and I was on line. He kept me on the line to do a couple more quick tests and then I was done.

I was really worried and prepared to be really pissed off – but everything went really smoothly.

I took some aspirin and had a couple of turkey sandwiches and felt a lot better as the evening went on.  Went over to a friend’s house to watch American Horror Story on DVD – then walked back home afterwards.  He texted me later and said I was brave for walking home in the dark unarmed after watching that scary and disturbing show.  I reminded him:

I am the weapon.

To which he responded.  Hahahahahahahahaha…

Editor’s note:  I’ve been reminded that the actual response was:

“Hahahahahahahahahaha SNORT hahahahahahaha”