I volunteered to help my friend clear out his gutters and yesterday was the perfect weather for it.    I stopped over after my swim and with ladders, gloves, and a bucket  – we set to work.  He has a small house so it didn’t take too long and we cleared maybe a bucket and a half of debris – including the dirt and leaves that was blocked the downspouts.

Once that was done, he decided that since we had the ladders out, we might as well cut down one of the tree limbs.  I was a little hesitant about this, but helped out as best I could.  But as the limb came down, I couldn’t get out of the way quite quickly enough and got tagged on my leg by the rough edge of the branch. It was very minor and the scratches barely bled, but my friend decided that was enough and we got the yard – and me –  cleaned up.

This is the same friend with the dogs and he has frequently commented about how he’s tired of dog poop.  So, as a joke, I used some brown polymer clay to make very small piles of fake poop and while he was putting away the tools, I snuck into his office and placed them in the small zen sand garden on his desk.

He found them not long after that and I think he was about 50% amused and 50% annoyed. 🙂  I thought it was pretty clever.

I’ve been fighting… something… for a couple of weeks now.  Don’t know if it’s a cold or allergies, but I had several sneezing attacks yesterday that almost knocked me over.  Really annoying.  If it keeps up, I’m headed to the doctor.

It’s been a short number of days, but it still feels like a long week.  I’m hoping today stays quiet and I can coast on through to the weekend.