On Friday, I met up with a friend and some of his friends for dinner. They picked me up and while we ran a few errands before dinner, I entertained their 3 year old with some paper folding – a small person, then a horse for him to ride. He was impressed and wanted me to fold a hat for the rider. I couldn’t really do a cowboy hat – the closest I got was a sort of samurai turban.
Dinner was good and afterwards he asked if “that guy” (since he couldn’t remember my name) could come home with them. 🙂 Guess he figured I was entertaining enough that he wanted me to stick around. I promised that we could play with Legos next time I saw him and that was good enough for him.
On Saturday, I did a ton of yard work. Mowed the grass, raked, cut down some vines and did a little weeding. That evening, I went to a BBQ. The food was good and the company was fun – though I actually got some of my Origami turned down. I had made some stuff for the little boy that was there, but when I offered a bird to his sister, she said no and that was it. Kinda took me surprise – origami is pretty much universal with kids and senior citizens. 🙂
Sunday morning was more yard work, then some errands. I had dinner at Chipotle and took a picture of my burrito bowl to send to one of my co-workers. He texted me back and asked if that was barf. I was a little surprised since he’s a fan of chipotle as well – must not have come through as a good picture since it tasted really good.
That evening, I helped my friend walk his two small dogs. We were making our way down the street when we heard a popping noise and saw a screen fly off the window of the house we were in front of – followed instantly by a very large dog leaping through the window. My friend scooped up his dog while the large dog bounded over for what was a very quiet, but very aggressive, inspection. Since that small dog was out of reach, he turned to me and I quickly scooped up the dog I was walking. There was a moment when we didn’t know what was going to happen, then the door flew open and a very angry woman came storming out after the dog – whose name was, apparently, Rodeo. She apologized, then began dragging the dog back in the house without checking to see if we were okay. Once the coast was clear, we walked a bit then set the dogs down and continued on our way.
I’m planning on leaving work a little early to give blood – been while since I’ve given since the region’s red cross blood services is on strike and they’ve cut way back on the blood drives. I’m hoping I don’t have to cross a picket line.
The boss is out of the office this week, but I’m expecting I’ll still be pretty busy – better get back to it.