I’ve been feeling a little blue the past couple days – I think it’s the weather and having to bundle up again when I really should be wearing shorts.  So yesterday I decided that some good old fashioned mindless activity would do me good and I went to the pool after work with a goal of swimming two miles.  Now, I’ve gone further than that before, but that was with the lanes set up the short way and without a full day of work before that.

So, I hit the pool and there was only one lane open for lap swimming  – the swim teams had the rest of the pool.  At one point, we had 8 people in the lane and amazingly no one got kicked in the head.  Though, frankly, the girls that were treading water in the deep end and  getting in the way maybe should have been.

I was about a mile into the swim when I stopped at one end to let another guy go ahead of me – needed to catch my breath.  After a second, we each realized that we knew the other person – he was a colleague and works with me on a committee.   We talked for a couple minutes, then I set off again.

Over the course of my swim I got cramps in:

1. The bottom of my right foot.
2. The bottom of my left foot.
3. My left calf.
4. My left pectoral
5. My right thigh.
6. Lower back, right side.

I was running out of muscle groups to cramp up – though none were bad except for the calf muscle.  Apparently, I need to eat more bananas.

I was dragging ass for the last few laps – except for the last one. I poured it on and finished strong. And then had trouble climbing out of the pool.  I was pretty tired when I got home and had some ironic fish for dinner.  Feeling much better today, though still wishing it was warmer.