I got a note from the student government about the email issue. Apparently, they are working on a resolution that they expect to pass – thanking me for the work I did on the list and the excellent response they got from the survey they sent out. And, I guess, they want to officially say they aren’t ticked at my mistake – even going so far as to thanking me for the quick resolution of the problem.
On the one hand, it’s nice to be recognized for my work. I mean, I haven’t stayed here for the buckets of money they pay me. (ha!) And it’s nice to know that they got good responses from the survey and that things have essentially worked out okay.
On the other hand, ehhhh. Not sure I’m all that excited about an official record of my screw-up. They seem to think it would help smooth things over if I had gotten and negative feedback from my superiors (I haven’t), but it would also be nice to just let this one go.
They gave me the option of stopping things and they would vote down the resolution, but in the end I decided to let it ride. I do appreciate the gesture and at worst it’s a reminder for me to slow down and be more careful.
In other news… I swam 50 laps today. I wasn’t going to go that far, but I saw our student assistant on my way up to the pool and he said to me, “Going for a swim, old man?”
I growled at him as I went on past and was motivated to really push myself in the pool – going so far as to out swim one of the high school swimmers. It was only one lap and I’m pretty sure it was a cool down for him, but hell, it still counts in my book. Those kids are fast.
I’m tired this evening as a result – I think the new drag suit I got is working – so I’m going to eat an apple, read a book, and play a video game.