One of my tasks at work is to administer the email lists for the campus. I had set up one earlier this week and in my hurry, I missed a step. Instead of only the owner of the list being able to send to it, the default setting was in place – allowing all the members to send to it. On legit message was sent out and then someone replied to it. The message went to everyone – and it went downhill from there.
Under normal circumstances, this would have gone quiet pretty quickly, but this was a group of apparently very bored college students and it was 388 messages later before I got word of what was going on and shut it down. Most of the messages were silly (favorite appetizers, pokemon, etc.) and “remove me from the list”.
Unfortunately, one of the students decided to take matters into his own hands and educate the rest of the group. He actually had good advice – that he unfortunately didn’t follow himself. And he also unfortunately used was could best be described as “wildly inappropriate” language. And to further complicate matters, he changed the name on his email to pretend to be a UA Administrator to get attention.
Well, he got attention. The VP’s quickly got in the mix and there was a flurry of activity. I sent out a final note to the list explaining what was going on and offered up my email address as a sacrificial goat to the feedback. Figured I earned it.
Everyone involved that I’ve talked to has been understanding – I think I’ve been rougher on myself than anyone else. Just feel so stupid about it. It’s pretty much blown over – for me, at least. The helpful, but foul-mouthed, student is likely to regret his choice of words.
In better news… I got some new swim trucks. It’s drag suit – meant to slow me down in the water and force me into a better workout. And it’s a size smaller than I usually wear. So, all the exercise is paying off. It’s a little strange to wear – tight around my legs and loose around the waist. It’s supposed to catch the water as I swim and I guess it’s doing it – though I’m not really fast enough to notice a difference. I’ve gotten in a lot of laps this week and managed to swim everyday.
Finally, a good deed. Yesterday after my swim I decided to go into work and get caught up a bit from the week. I also decided to help out one of my co-workers. This is one that got the Bieber poster and he still hadn’t had time to finish clearing out his old cubicle. So, I got some boxes, packed everything up neatly, and then dusted and vacuumed. I didn’t leave a note, but since the smaller loose items went into origami boxes, I think he’ll be able to guess.
So, that was the latter part of my week. I’ve got a couple meetings on Monday so I’m really glad I was able to get a little caught up. Today is just going to be a relaxing day of reading, hot tea, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.