I talked to Jeff’s sister again yesterday – she called just as I was getting ready to go for my swim after work. She asked – again, for about the 8th time – what my intentions were about the money that Jeff left. I explained to her – again – exactly what I’ve been saying all along. She then asked again if I had talked to a tax adviser and I said I hadn’t because I don’t yet have the paperwork – the same paperwork I’ve been after her about for a couple weeks now. She said that her lawyer said she shouldn’t send that to me – and I sternly told her that anything with my name on should already have been sent to me. She asked why I didn’t already have a copy and I told her that she took the only copy when she moved Jeff’s stuff.
I should have recorded the conversation and played it back again the next time she calls. I understand that she is going through a lot – I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to my sister – but dragging things out by being disorganized isn’t healthy either. I’ll just keep plodding along and stay ready to act as soon as I have some kind of solid information.
After my swim, I helped one of my friends clear out some stuff from his basement. He’s getting the basement walls painted and needed a few heavy items moved. He had requested a special pick up from the city trash service – but it wasn’t really needed. As soon as we hauled up something – shelves, exercise equipment, etc. – someone would pull up to haul it away. I think we contributed to the Akron episode of Hoarders.
Been fighting a headache most of the day today – which sucks since I have a lot to do when I get home. Gotta work on the yard and get packed for the weekend – and buy yet another HDMI cable.
Oh, I also updated my website with a couple of links for my house projects and some origami. And I’m trying to get my twitter going again.
Time to chug some more caffeine and see if that helps the headache.