I’ve got a room on the third floor of my house that I have designated as my office. It’s got two windows (that need to be replaced, but one problem at a time) and tile floor. The walls are an off-white/pinkish color and the floor tile is in bad shape under the rug.
I decided to paint this room and step one was to clear out the desk that had been left behind. It was a bear to take apart and heavy to move even in pieces. I can see why they left it. Once it was gone, I took up the rug to find it was disintegrating and would need to be replaced. When the room was finally cleared, I went paint shopping. Took a while, but I finally decided on a color called Billiard Green. Very dark. And very green. And no, it’s not easy being green, but I like it.
I started painting on Sunday and even as careful as I was, I dripped some paint on the floor. Not a big deal since I was planning on covering the tile with a new rug anyway, but I didn’t want to track it around the room and through the rest of the house if I stepped in it. So, down the stairs I went to get a wet paper towel. At the doorway from the stairwell to the second floor, I moved in exactly the wrong direction and banged my head on the door frame. And since my usual speed is a good clip, I hit it hard.
I dropped to the ground in a pose as close to a Tebow as I’m ever likely to get and swore for a while until I was pretty sure: a). that I wasn’t going to pass out b). that I wasn’t bleeding and c). that I most likely didn’t give myself a concussion.
I got up and went to bathroom to inspect the damage. The impact had given me a rectangular red mark on my forehead and – when I inspected the door frame later – had scraped off some skin. I put on a band-aid and later added a hat for my trip to Walmat for some neosporin.
I finished up my painting for the day and my co-worker had a good laugh when he called me later and I told him about the injury. He laughed again when I showed him the mark yesterday and asked if I could see the future with my third eye.
Tonight I’ll move stuff back into place and get a photo once it’s done. Looking forward to my new green office – and finally getting to use the desk I built.