I got a call from my doctor’s office on Friday – I’m clear of Hepatitis E (the very rare one), but they still didn’t have the results of Hep A. Which is disconcerting – that was the reason I went in the first place. I’m hoping to finally get a clean bill of health soon, or start some kind of treatment. I haven’t put my life on hold, but it’s been nagging at me in the back of head.
I did 30 laps in the pool that afternoon and then 40 more the next day (Saturday). The laps are coming easier to me and I can go faster and do more before I’m exhausted. After the swim, I went and bought a new stereo receiver at the strangely dark H.H. Greg [seriously, I could barely read the box label] and then went to Chipotle for dinner. And the burrito was only “okay” – a far step down from the usual awesome.
On Sunday, I set up the receiver and only had two set backs – which is pretty good for me since I’m not really a hardware guy. The first was an HDMI cable – easily solved at Walmart. The second was when I had the speakers wired up, then read the caution that I needed to change a setting prior to wiring up the system. (At least I read the instructions before I turned the power on – not bad for, you know, a guy.) But the instructions on how to do that were on the CD-rom, not the printed guide. So, I went upstairs to the computer, fired up the CD-rom and wrote down the steps. Then back down to the stereo, undid the wiring, followed the steps, then redid the wiring. I did the tone-test and it all worked. Which was kind of amazing.
Still need to fine tune things a bit, but the PS3 works and that’s the important bit.
Went out to dinner with a friend and then hung out with he and his dogs for bit. (and that’s actual dogs, not the slang dawgs.) We shared music recommendations and funny videos on youtube – Russian Unicorn was the winner of the night.
I also got a call from Jeff’s brother to check on me (he had read my blog about the Hep) and to see how I wanted to handle the inheritance. I told him that I wasn’t comfortable with getting anything beyond what I had loaned to Jeff. His sister called today to go over things again and we didn’t really make any progress – other than to suggest that she send the paperwork over to me so that I could talk to a lawyer. She was slightly taken aback – which was weird, since she has suggested that to me before and has already been talking to her own lawyer. I guess I’m a little concerned that everything is in my name, but I haven’t actually seen anything yet. We’ve got some time since we don’t have the death certificates yet.
Had a pretty quiet day at work today – nice for a change of pace. Time for me to get something to eat and maybe read a book. Got a lot more than usual on my mind and the sudden cold weather has made me strangely introspective.