My weekend started early – sort of – with a freaking sweet green felt top hat.  I wore it to work, including to lunch and the training session I held in the afternoon, and it was an oversized hit.

On Saturday, I did some yard work.  Mostly just trying to de-vine the fence around the backyard – the previous owners had let it get out of hand. Managed to cut my hand a bit with the trimming tool I was using.

My co-worker called me to ask if I wanted to have an early dinner.  I had just enough time to get cleaned up, put my sweet hat back on, and meet them at Red Robin.  Had a nice time with he and his family – his little girl is a lot of fun.

After a quick trip to Books a Million, I headed over to a friend’s house – his neighbors were having a very small bonfire and we sat around that and talked.  I had to cut the evening a little short since I had an early morning.

On Sunday, I headed over to Jeff’s apartment to help his family clear out his things.  There were a few rough moments – I’ll get to one in a bit – but Jeff had rearranged things enough that it didn’t feel like my place anymore and it was just “stuff”.   There were several trips to goodwill and far too many ‘do you want this?’ decisions to make.  It was a long day and my house is a wreck with stuff I brought back.  I went out to dinner that evening – too tired and stressed to cook for myself.

The worst moment of the clean-up was up in Jeff’s bedroom. The haz-mat team that had done the cleaning had taken the mattress and the pillows, and had also cut sections of the carpet out. I had to clear out his nightstand and sat down on the box-spring, my feet on floor where the carpet was missing.   It was right where he had died.

I lost it for a little while.

I got control of myself again got back to work after a few minutes.  His family was going to sell the rest of the furniture and from there it’s just paperwork.   And memories…